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There was a time..

A time when I looked into his eyes, and saw nothing. Now I sat there alone on this swing, swaying back and forth, and trying to shut off my mind.

Three years ago to the date I lost someone very special. In her eyes I was everything.

A scream interrupted my thoughts. I look around and see no one. I stood as the swing plopped out from underneath my now damp bottom. I see a girl running as in panic and I walk in the direction of where she was coming from. No one was chasing her so why did she scream. And then I see it. A cold lifeless body laying in the bottom of the creek that lined the side of the park. I was fascinated.

Sirens came whirling my way and cops surrounded the creek, pushing me aside. I didn't want to budge. There was just something so fascinating about the dead body, but I knew that I had to go. I bolted down the street to my house, and ran inside. Empty as usual. It was 10:30 at night and as always my parents were not home. They were in Guatamala on some business trip. So the house was quiet.

I live in a huge house in Beverly hills and normally have the house to myself since they were always gone. I never have had a party since I am a college student now, and was a loner in highschool. So the house was basically just filled with me and my food.

It is now three in the morning and I was just finishing cramming for my final exams and I am getting ready for bed. I have the sink backed up with makeup and hair full of dry shampoo. I just turn the water of as my phone begins to ring.

"Hello?" I answer curiously. Who is calling me at 3 in the morning is all I am thinking.

"Hey sweetheart," my mother sings out. I sigh at her voice. "I hope I didn't wake you. Because I know its late."

" Hey mom. No you didn't I just finished studying for finals next week." I yawn out.

"So late? Hailey you arnt-"

"Mom," I cut her off, "Why are you calling me so late?"

"Oh ya. I almost forgot. So Helen, you wouldn't remember her because you met her when you were a baby, her kid needs a place to stay and so I offered Helen our house. They let me know that they should be there anytime."

"Moooommmm. Why would you do that?"

"Well I know you are alone so I thought it would be cool to have someone your age there."

"Ugh. Fine."

"Ok sweetie I have to go. Kisses." The phone cuts off and I am left with silence. 30 minutes pass and I am sitting on my bed waiting for this lady's little kid to come. The door bell rings. I get up and race down stairs. I am not happy nor excited for this new "roomie," I just want to get to bed. I swing the door open not expecting what I saw.

He stood there with sparkling brown eyes. His brown hair lay like a mop on his head, and his perfect jawline was sharp enough to cut a steak. Tatoos peaked up his neck from under his white teeshirt. To me he was the definition of perfect.

"Hey. I'm Ethan." He drops the stuff in his hands to shake mine.

"I'm Hailey." I shake his hand.

"So this is where I have to stay, huh? Mother said it was a nice place but I have to disagree. And you look like crap."

"Are you done?" I said annoyed, "Ill show you to your room."

"Great.... Sooo what time are you making breakfast? And will you give me a wake up call?"

"Excuse me?"

"Do you not understand me"

"who the hell do you think you are? You better not be walking in to my house like that"

"Oh, if I were to understand right, this is your parents house."

"Basically its mine. Here is your room."


"Don't let your ego trip you on your way in." I storm off. He has a lot of nerve. I mean who the hell does he think he is? I slam my door and plop onto my bed. And fall asleap instenetly. But soon enough I awaken with a sharp knock on the door, and his head peeps in.

"Umm sorry to bug you but do you mind if I sleep in here. I hate sleeping in new places by myself."

Eyes (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now