Death awaitens

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My hands were chained behind me, griped tight against my body. I could feel the rope slash through my skin. My skin was bare and stone cold. I could feel the warm sensation of my blood trickling down my arm, as I trembled with fear. Hearing the loud, thunderous footsteps clashing around me. I knew it was them. Suddenly the silence deafened me. The pacing stopped; I could feel his bright blue eyes pierce straight into my soul.

My worst fear came true, I’d just turned 16 and death was knocking on my door. I had brown hair and dark brown eyes, a few freckles on my nose, but they didn’t really bother me. I was always happy, but my worst fear shadowed me ever since I turned 14 and it all started to happen.

My brother was only 12 at the time, I never imagined it to be the last time I ever saw him. We were separated as soon as we entered through deaths door. Just moments ago, we were at home, laughing and smile, talking about old memories, how could this be my reality? Why is this reality?

‘Jimmy!’ I screamed as I collapsed to the floor, my heart felt like it’d be torn from my soul, trampled on over and over again, destroyed into a thousand pieces. My body fell cold and my face went pale.

Starvation, dehydration were instantly welcomed.

Days passed, and death dawned closer.

We get counted by the Kapo every day. Every mistake made, they had to start again. This was a horrendous ordeal, barely clothed, and stood in the freezing cold, with the rain pouring, like daggers piercing my skin. Some were too weak to stand at attention during hours. Their bodies were sent to the crematories after the assembly. This feared me, but what feared me more? Jimmy was alone. The pain trickled through my body; a devil was in control of my body. I feared death, I feared punishment.

All through the day, I could hear the ringing of cries and screams from those who were beaten, people breaking and falling hard to the ground, it felt like my worst nightmare had come true. There she was, 10 years of age, tears trembling down her cheek, sweat dripping from her face, her knees gave way, she become emotionless, right there, in that cold split second, she fell to his death. It was sinister. She looked me straight in my eyes, penetrated them with fear as she whispered ‘please help’. I felt worthless, useless, I wanted to help, but I didn’t want to be punished, not again. Being asked for help, seeing the look in that girl’s eyes, I felt the pit of my stomach churn and rise up to my throat. I stopped myself from falling apart, and I carried on working, taking no notice of the unmoving, emotionless body lying there on the gravel.

My first day. My first time of looking decease straight in the face. 

I slept in my dirt and sweat, slept in my tears and my blood.

The realisation of it all struck me like a bullet to my brain

I could hear the ticking of the clock, deaths time is awaiting me.  Will I survive another day, or will my luck deceive me?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2013 ⏰

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