Chapter One: The Najwa and The Susurros

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Chambray woke with a startled gasp. Her thin blanket partially covering her face as she inhaled. It had been another dark dream.

The burlap toy pup was still snuggled close to her chest and it's comforting presence soothed her. She wrapped her blanket tighter around her infant body, and choked back tears of relief. The wooden floor beneath her was damp with the humidity of a Louisiana summer, and the only light in the cramped one room cabin came from a single dwindling candle. A small sob escaped from her as hot tears began to roll down her plump cheeks.

"Chambray, ma petite cher, is that you?" whispered a sleepy voice in the shadows.

Chambray did not answer for fear of sobbing out loud. She just nodded silently to herself and squeezed the burlap pup tighter.


Another candle was lit and the once dim room was now basked in a soft glow. Chambray watched as Claire untangled herself from her pallet on the floor. Her silvery blonde hair hung long and untidy around her youthful face. Her amber yellow eyes still heavy with sleep stared inquisitively at the sobbing child across the room.

"Are you crying?"

She rose quickly and weaved effortlessly through the other sleeping bodies on the floor with soft footfalls before laying down quietly next to Chambray's small huddled form.

"What is the matter, Ray?"

Chambray threw arms around Claire and began to sob heavily against her chest. She mumbled brokenly against the rough cotton texture of the nightgown, "I was there again."

"Oh cher. Not again." Claire cooed rubbing the little back beneath her palm. "Are you okay? Do you feel well?"

She nodded and felt fresh tears roll from her eyes.

"Someone called for me."

"Called for you?"

"They knew my name."

Claire pulled back to stare at the sobbing bundle of child in her arms.

"Do you want me to get Vue? Is it something you should speak to her about?"

Concern flooded Claire's words. She did not understand these dreams, and assumed she never truly would. It was a world she was not privy to.

Chambray whimpered and slightly shook her head. Her little fists were balled tightly in the front of Claire's nightgown and she looked on the verge of fresh tears.

"Shhhh, ma petite chien. Close your eyes and breathe through your nose. I will tell you a story. Yes?"

Chambray seemed reluctant staring up at Claire with glistening brown eyes, but slowly let her lids slide closed and inhaled deeply. Claire was grateful as she knew they both desperately needed the sleep and, far too often, these nightmares would put an abrupt end to any rest for the remainder of the night. She adjusted the long limbed child against her side.

"I've always liked the spring. It just filled with good things. Every year its arrival is like waking up from a long sleep. It refreshes my spirit. It was spring when I found you. A breezy day that smelled of magnolias. I was twelve years old. I was on the steps of the main house and I was just about to leave when I s

He was bloody and disheveled. His muzzle stained a deep, disturbing crimson. The air smelled of smoke. I was afraid, but I did not run cher. I couldn't. My legs were shaking beneath me and I held my breath in terror.

He was soon followed by many of the elder majors, but, to my relief, the whole bunch ran right past me. Knocking me down in the process. I did not see them for quite a time. I thought about running, leaving before I was noticed, but my curiosity bested my fear. So, I waited patiently for any scrap of excitement and was scolded more than once for lingering aimlessly about. My patience was eventually rewarded though as one of the escorting majors exited on two feet.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2022 ⏰

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