Chapter 1

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All I wish to be is free...

 I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end as an uneasy chill filled the room. I whirled around, the torch in my hand casting flickering shadows against the cracking pillars. Yet I was only met with empty air.


 My breath got caught in my throat as the rooms darkness started to get even more eerie. The room around me was silent, not even the sound of water drops; even with the dampness present in the air. 

Help a poor soul...

 A chill went down my spine as if a someone ran an icy claw along my back. Shadows danced in the corner of my vision as I gripped the torch tighter. I swung the flame around, trying to find what ever was in the room with me.

Heh heh heh...

 A pang of fear went through me as I dash down a corridor, flight taking me before fight. In my rush, I dropped my torch. I head it clatter to the tiled floor as the corridor plunged into darkness. I just kept running despite not being able to see. I found my hand move to the hilt of my blade as I continued to run for my life. Shakily I pulled the blade out, keeping held in front of me with trembling hands. 

Such a naïve mind...

I couldn't bring myself to turn around and face an unknown enemy. As I ran however, I felt the ground gently slope up. I prayed that meant an exit was close, perhaps Ill soon be out of this awful place. Then I felt nothing beneath my feet, I could not hear the sound of footsteps against stone. All i could feel, was the sense of falling. I failed around blindly,  trying to grab hold of something to stop this feeling. 

Shh... Sleep my child...

 The darkness slowly became suffocating as let my arms was limp; my body numbing. I could barely see in front of me as the eyes slowly started to shut. The air was chilling, frosty touches seeping into my core. I could feel nothing but the sense of falling and throbbing in the back of my head. The last thing I felt, was a searing heat.

Your pain will be ended soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2016 ⏰

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