Chapter 1

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I dedicate this to my loving Savior, He is and always will be my Everything. I can't write this without Him

So, I must give a shout out to Comtesse-Dynamite, she gave me an idea for this story. She also gave me an idea for another story I might do.

Just to clarify, because I can't see Ash at 10 I'm making him, Serena, Misty, Clemont, Iris, Dawn, and May sixteen. Team Rocket will still be twenty five, Cilan is 18, Brock's 20, Bonnie and Max are ten and everyone else will be whoever their closest friend/rival's age like Paul is 16, Barry's 16 Burgundy's 18 just to make an example.

"Team Rocket's blasting off again!" that was a sound of three voices as their was a twinkle in the sky. All of the sudden Team Rocket members Jessie, James and Meowth landed in a clearing in the woods. Frustrated, Jessie picked her self up, groaned and walked over to a tree. She said nothing but stayed in thought. Is this really all her life was for? To be in a nefarious team like Team Rocket whose purpose was to steal other's pokemon and secretly sell them on the black market; is that really what she wanted to keep doing? Jessie pulled out a flier she kept hidden in a pocket, and looked at it. Jessie sighed, and looked over at her partner in crime.

"James," She called out to him. James, who was now helping Meowth up, turned over to her and said,

"Yes Jess?" His emerald green eyes were on her making her blush. She looked away.

"I've been thinking," she felt real hesitant about telling him for fear of how he might react. James was super loyal to Team Rocket. And, there was Meowth, she was afraid of how he would react also. "about quitting Team Rocket."

James felt really shocked. He went over to her and took her hands in his. Meowth looked like he was about to speak but James looked at him for a moment of silence, and then looked back at Jessie.

"Jess, is this what you really want?" Jessie was quite shocked at his calmness, not because he's not calm but because he wasn't upset over her leaving. Jessie nodded.

"Yes, I've thought about it." She handed him the colorful flier. "It's a school that teaches elementary, middle, high school and college ages things like how to be a Pokemon master, coordinator, performer, doctor or even non-Pokemon related aspects such as art, cooking, acting and other things. I want to do better in my life James. I think it will be good for both of us." She looked at Meowth.

"And you can still go with us, Meowth." Meowth nodded. He wouldn't dream leaving them after all this time. James smiled at Jessie.

"Jess, of course I'll go with you. I'll go wherever you go," James said. Jessie smiled and hugged her best friends.

Sixteen year old Serena ran onto the campus clearly excited to start her new adventure at the Pokemon Boarding Academy. Not only was she to be going to going to this school to learn more about being a performer, and also to learn about being a coordinator, but she was going to this school with her friends Ash, Bonnie, and Clemont. This school was at the region Alola and Serena just couldn't wait to start. She took in the fresh ocean air, and the beautiful veiw of the ocean and palm trees. Her best friend Ash Ketchum came up to with bags in his arms and smiled.

"You excited?" He asked. She smiled at him and nodded.

"Yeah, I can't wait to meet your friends either." Ash looked at her.

"I'm sure you'll love them. They're the best friends I could ask for." Ash smiled at her. To Serena, it almost seemed like there was something in his eyes, hope as he looked into her eyes. But maybe she was just being hopeful. She shook that thought away as Clemont finally caught up to them.

"Would it kill you to wait?" He asked. Ash laughed. Serena looked around.

"Where's Bonnie?" Clemont looked at her and then pointed across the way the way.

"Over there talking to that kid." Ash looked to where his friend was pointing and grinned.

"Max!" He shouted. A ten year old boy with black hair and glasses turned around and looked over to Ash. Shocked, he gasped and waved. The boy then ran over to Ash.

"Hey Ash, I saw that you lost another league," the boy named Max said. Ash frowned, and looked down.

"Yeah, which is why I'm going to go to the school to advance my skills at being a Pokemon trainer," Ash told the smaller

So who's that and what do they want with Ash? 

Can you guess? Oh and if there's anything you want to see in this let me know but keep it clean please, thanks. I know it's short but I hope you like it. Thanks for reading this let me know what you think. God bless, He loves you.

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