I'm Maid To Five Vampires And They All Want ME?! Part 11

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Chapter 11:


My fists clench up as I watch his arms snake around her waist.

Her hands lightly brush through his hair as they press their lips together.

Even though I'm metres away from them, I can still hear him as he whispers, "I think I love you Molly." If it's at all possible, my fists clench even tighter at his infuriating words.

I wait for her reply.

But it doesn't come.

"Molly?" Jona's voice enquires of her.

I should feel guilty to be eavesdropping on such an intimate moment, but all I can feel right now is nauseous at what might be her answer.

"I have to go Jona. The guys and I were going to hang out this weekend." With that, she pecks his cheek and flees from the park leaving Jona gazing longingly after her.


All this romance, lovey dovey crap is making me sick!

Poking my tongue out and pushing my finger down my throat to imitate puking, I slam my head against the tree over and over again. Just as a stupid attempt to get over my childishness.

Pulling myself away, I stare at the damage I have inflicted on the poor piece of nature.

Cracked through the middle with a rather large dent in the trunk.

"Hey mistah, you just hurt that tree!"

My shoulders hunch as I turn to look at the young children standing behind me.

Both have their hands on their hips and a scowl plastered over their faces.

"Yeah! You'd better say sorry!"

Clenching my fists, it takes every part of me to refrain from grabbing them both and throwing them up into the tree. But that probably wouldn't go down too well with they're caregiver/parent whatever the hell they came to this park with.

"Hey kids, why don't you give the man a break? Hmm? Please, he's just a bit upset at the moment." A new voice pops up.

Turning, I watch as Molly wanders over towards us.



Anyone, but her.

"Aww...alright. Come on Jilly, let's go." The little boy called to the sister.

Molly is smirking at me with arms crossed, "So...do I have to ask or will you save me the trouble and tell me anyway?"


I could lie and continue this mean facade.

OR I could tell the truth, admit my feelings and kiss her like there's no tomorrow.

"I was chasing a bird."

That wasn't even a GOOD LIE!

Well now I'm mentally slapping myself.

Molly lets out a shriek before bursting out into uncontrollable laughter, "A bird?"

Shuffling my feet in the grass, I nod, "It stole my...jellybeans."

I want to kill myself.

I'm seriously going to kill myself.

Anything is better than this stupid, stupid, STUPID lie I'm telling.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2009 ⏰

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