Sci-Fi Round 1 - I.D.E.A.

Start from the beginning

Since they could not convince the masses; religious leaders from all faith based religions rallied their devoted followers into an apocalyptic war to destroy all the heathens and all the evidence IDEA had created. From the onset of the war IDEA gathered 100,000 of the most knowledgeable scientists and the followers with the highest levels of radiating energy. They built 10 huge underground cities and called them Utopia. They then proceeded to nuke and cleanse the entire surface of the earth, killing everything and everyone outside of Utopia.

What they didn’t expect was that everyone’s soul suffered for their genocide’s. The energies radiating from every person they saved dropped severely, some barely registering at all. They were all in a panic and didn’t know what to do. They realized through that one horrific act that they had set the earth’s average ascension rate back more than a thousand years.

It was at that time they discovered that souls make connections with other souls by means of love. The man who loves the woman, the woman who loves her child, the friend who loves and cares for another friend, or the priest, teacher, or leader that loves their followers and students; even the love between a God and his or hers worshipers. All these positive connections souls make with each other brighten the energy and magnify it exponentially throughout all the souls involved.

The destruction they created severed billions of these connections leaving not only the physical earth in destruction and desolation but also to the souls that still lived there. The earth became a Godless planet, because no greater god could survive without absorbing the energy that radiated from the love of his followers. Just as a flower cannot bloom without the energy it absorbs from the sun.

After IDEA had realized the folly of their mistake they put into works plans to try and accelerate the enlightenment and ascension of mankind. One of the plans they created were the Syphogrants. A group of religious zealots tasked with the duty to seek out the most enlightened among the utopians and bring them back to IDEA’s elite campus in the center of Amaurot.

Every year the Syphogrants would go to each of the townships and gather all the Utopians who had recently turned eight, as this was the age at which spiritual radiation stabilized before either steadily growing or steadily falling depending on the individual. After measuring each Childs levels they would take back with them all the children whose levels had exceeded that year’s threshold. These children became the children of mercy, and Gods and Goddesses in training.

They were hoping that if they trained and enclosed these blessed and enlightened children in an environment of pure love and sanctity that their spiritual radiation would strengthen and that one of them in their next life would become a god or goddess and deliver them from the hell they had created.

This is where my twin brother Tom and I fit in. After our 8th birthday when the Syphogrants came to Amaurot they measured our spiritual radiation. Both of us maxed out the scales. They thought they’re equipment was broken or needed to be calibrated, and so they returned to their headquarters to recalibrate it, and leaving us to wait.

Some Anemolian rebels came and saw us while the Syphogrants were gone, and had convinced us to leave with them. We didn’t want to be separated and locked up in their school so we went with them, and have been living with the Anemolians ever since.

The Syphogrants left their safe haven in Utopia to hunt us down. They would try and show their god like abilities by levitate through the air using a powerful magnetic harness that they hid under their trench coats. They thought very little of the Anemolians and didn’t think they were smart enough to figure out such petty tricks.

They would never stay out for long though, and everyone warned us when they were out. The Aneomolians would take us to camp in the wilderness for a few weeks until the Syphogrants returned to their Utopia. This is the first time we have left for the wilderness without an escort. I think we enjoyed it much better this time and we even stayed a few more days, but we were nearly out of food and this was the last train for a week. It’s a miracle we made caught it when we did.

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