Torchwood: fallen through time.

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Chapter 1

She looked over the rugged stone and rocks on the beach. The cliffs cattier alone the coast, waves hitting there side sending a thick haze into the air.  There was a big cloud shadowing the patch work quilt of the countryside. The air and sky had a very destined feel about it, as if the emotions happiness and depression had had a war, happiness had won, yet depression lingered in a dismal state of remorse to half spite happiness, giving the atmosphere a feel of both brightness and dullness.

There nestled in the greenery was a little village, it was her home.Eveline home. She was on leave from working with the Women's Royal Air Force , a bomb had dropped on her work cabin and had broken her leg. 

Standing there now, the wind blow her thick black west-ward and her intense blue eye's set on the little town. She wondered how she could back to her quaint little village after working so hard; being with in seconds of death and  having known the feeling of immortality. How could see go back?

She turned and started to walk down a little lane. Butterfly's illistated a patten in the air and the blossoming trees eight side of the lane were pollinating, sending a sweet sent into the air. This grassy lane reminded her of her childhood, wondering down here, the birds, butterfly's and bezz's fluttering around her with not not a care in the world, thinking about anything but loss, pain, war.

When she was little she would walk down her with her friend, Jenny. They'd go to the little stream at the end of the lane. By the rope swing. They'd spend  hole days there, fishing, going on the swing and competing to see who could get the highest. Sadly, Jenny had died in the bombing. Eveline remembered her and tear rolled down her cheek.

She went round a corner and walked up a cliff side where see once again, could see the wonderful view. Then something pushed her on to the ground, something tall. It wear a uniform that Evalane had never seen before, sort of blue- all body suit. The back of its head was big and balding.

"Hey," shouted Eveline rudely, she never did let any pigheaded man boss her about. " watch you do that....?" She was about to say for, but then she it's face. The thing turned, it's face was ruff and cruel with a snarling mouth and bottom-lees eyes, like a shark's.

" What the?"  Evaline muttered. Then a great light came from behind it and then it was gone.

She stood up and looked around her, but it was gone. She ran forward and kept running until she gone the next corner. Then she stopped, because there he was. Jack. But how?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2011 ⏰

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