At Last- Calum Hood

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I remember the day we met. We were at the same party, and while everyone else was getting wasted, I saw you in the corner of the room with your guitar. I walked over and heard you sing along to Fix You, by Coldplay. I sat down next to you and listened to your voice, which sounded soft. I pulled you into a bedroom and sat on the bed with you and talked about music all night.  You told me about your band, about your best mates, and about your plans for your career. I asked you what your favorite song was that you’d performed with your band, and you sang me a song called Beside You. I remember that you made me cry.

I remember the day you asked me to be your girlfriend. We were at Johnny Rocket’s, and I was halfway through your milkshake, and you were staring at me while I gulped it down in between bites of cheeseburger. You had the strangest look on your face, and when I asked you why you were staring at me, you told me that it’s because I felt right; I was real and fun and you wished you could keep me forever. I laughed at you, and you stopped smiling and told me you were serious. You said that the time you spent with me felt like forever, and then you asked me if I would be your girlfriend. I remember spitting milkshake in your face when I said yes.

I remember the day you told me you loved me. We were sitting in your den, watching Ocean’s Eleven while we cuddled on your couch and had cheesy popcorn. The movie was almost over, and I was almost asleep, and you were holding my hand and your arm was around my shoulder, and you kissed the top of my head and you said it. I remember how easy it was to say it back, almost instinctual in my half-conscious state. 

I remember the day we moved in. We’d found a beautiful apartment right on the beach, and I remember you gave me the biggest hug after we’d signed the lease. We finished packing up all our stuff that afternoon, and you drove the rental truck to our new place. You cooked spaghetti for dinner. I remember cuddling on the new couch, fucking on the new bed, but sleeping on the new floor.

            I remember waking up to a cold spot beside me, and the smell of bacon coming from the new kitchen. When I walked into the kitchen, you dropped your spatula and lifted me off the ground in a bear hug. I love that the first thing you said to me, on our first morning in our new home, was that you love me. We spent the day together, walking to the beach and sleeping in the sand, and waking up a few hours later with horrible sunburns. You were always well tanned, and you never burned as badly as me. You laughed at me when I asked you to carry me up the stairs to our house because it hurt my legs to bend them, but you scooped me up and ran us up the stairs all the same.

            I remember you rubbing aloe on my back, just barely touching my skin. You were so gentle with me when you pulled the sheets over our shoulders and kissed me good night. I was so happy to have you, and you were happy to have me. I remember drifting off to sleep tucked firmly in your arms with a smile on my face.

            I remember the day you proposed. I woke up to the smell of bacon and roses. I walked into the kitchen to see you standing over the stove, with our kitchen table covered in fresh flowers. When you heard me come in, you turned around and your face seemed so nervous. When I asked you what was going on, you told me that you had to tell me something. You grabbed my hands, and stared straight into my eyes. I remember what you said.

            “Julia, do you remember the day we met? I do. You were wearing this leather jacket and this cute little beanie, and you looked so bored. I was playing my guitar and you just came over and sat down and listened to me play, and when I was done you dragged me with you and we talked for hours. You made me feel so comfortable, and talking to you was so easy. I knew that you were different, and that I wanted to get to know you. I still can’t believe how lucky I am to call you my girlfriend. You’ve changed my life; you’ve made the smallest things seem so meaningful. Because of you, I love the smell of bacon, and aloe, and oreo milkshakes. Sometimes I remember our whole life together, and just think about how happy I am to have you. Every time I see you here, at our house, in our bed, I’m the luckiest guy in the world. I love that we could go out to a party, or a concert, or we could have a romantic dinner out, or we could just stay in, and still be as happy as we were that first time we met. It feels like I’ve spent forever with you already, and it’s the best feeling in the world.” You were down on one knee.

            “I love you so much, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Julia Anne Collins, will you marry me?”

            I remember tears rolling down my face when I said yes.

            I remember our wedding. I was wearing a white gown, and you were wearing a tuxedo. When I walked into the small pavilion, you were crying right alongside our parents. We had chosen to write our own vows. I remember crying when we said, “I do”.

            I remember that you and your band played at the reception. Luke got totally hammered and hit on my sister. Ashton danced with all the kids, and had a great time doing it. Michael made it his mission to taste a bit of every food that was available. We danced all night. I remember crying while we danced to At Last by Etta James, when I realized you had made me the happiest girl in the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2013 ⏰

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