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In the year 3438, a major shift in earth's tectonics had caused two of the world's largest nuclear power plants to go into meltdown. Whilst the most harmful radiation was contained in the individual, high tech vicinities, some escaped. At first the damage was minimal, resulting in the small loss of various species but as more radiation leaked through the fault one Morgan Carson, the effects worsened. The pace of natural adaptation and evolution was increased when more species were exposed to the harmful gamma particles. The majority of the human race built their own artificial defences and were saved. In trying to protect themselves however, they doomed themselves.

As the world evolved around them, they failed to physically adapt and it wasn't long before predators designed by nature were able to out match technology and acquire abundances of human food sources. So, in fear and self-preservation, it was decided that every human on the planet was to flee to the reaches of space. But not everyone could bear to leave their home. Those that remained chose their homes in large groups, based on stable foundations across the globe; those safe heavens were dubbed the last of the human resistances.

However, it wasn't just significant species that were mutating. A new, alien virus that developed in laboratories - untouched after earth's evacuation - had found itself spreading across continents in the blood of the humanoid novumsapien race. Though immune themselves, the virus devastated human resistances and caused mass local extinction. Only twelve resistances remained.

People panicked, but in all the ruckus one man stood bravely. Daniel Carson, heir of the man responsible for their situation, was a keen scientist who never desisted in his search for a cure. In the year 3745, he left the safety of his home and family with a small group of followers who believed that he was the one to find such a cure. Carson and his crew never returned.

But I know, they are still alive. I know, that my father would never have given up.

In the years after my father had left, our resistance had failed to find him or a cure. People panicked and wallowed. More people died and even my best friend became ill. What was worse was the fact that our leader, my own brother, failed to see any hope. I needed to find my dad, and soon. But the forests are dangerous. Earth, has evolved.

My name is Faith Carson, and this is my story.


Dedicated to BeforeItEnds for the awesome cover! :D please tell me what you think of the prologue and the story to come in comments? :D

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2013 ⏰

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