You're the Angel Who Saved Me (Jimmy Sullivan)

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"Just kill me now. Rid me of this pain..." I thought as I looked up at the sky. Unbearable pain spread throughout my body as blood ran from my mouth ad down my chim. He started shaking me roughly and I soon felt the bench behind me collide with the back of my head.

My vision blurred and I found it hard to see. I felt the right side of my face hit the cold pavement. It hurt so bad...I guess this is what I get for deciding to take a late night walk in Central Park.

I felt the man that has been beating me senseless for the past 20 minutes put his hand on the back of my bloody head and pull my head back by my hair.

"Listen to this warning carefully you worthless bitch." He seethed in my ear. "I'm gonna leave you here and take all your money, since you left me heartbroken and without money. This is what you get. I fucking hate you. I'm not gonna kill you this time, but once we're in a perfect, obscure place you can say bye to your life. Just know you will never be able to escape  me and that you better sleep with one eye open."

With that said, he slammed my head back onto the pavement and everything went black.









My eyes shot open and I sat up screaming. Pain instantly sprung through my body and I let out a more painful scream. I felt hands push me back on the bed and I paniced. With natural instinct I started kicking and throwing punches.

"Shh, Shh, Shh, you're safe now ma'am! Please don't struggle! We're trying to help you!" Avoice said struggling to sound soothing. My punches and kicks started to slow and I opened my eyes and began to take in my surroundings.

I looked over to my left and saw a male nurse looking down at me with concern. I then looked over to my right and saw my friend Jade sitting in a chair looking scared and crying, staring right at me. I heard beeping from monitors and an IV stuck in my left hand.

Great, I was in a hospital.

"What am I doing here?" I asked, surprised by the sudden weakness in my voice.

"You were found beaten badly in the park this morning miss."

Events from last night flashed through my head and I started to freak and hyperventilate.

"''!" I said between gasps, trying to even out my breathing.

"Who miss?" The male nurse asked.

"John!" I screamed.

Jade ran over with a paper bag and handed it to me. I snatched it out of her hand and started breathing into it. I eventually managed to calm down and layed back. I squinted at the pain that rushed through my body.

"You scared me really bad Beth. I'm just so glad that you'll be okay." Jade said and started crying again.

"Please don't cry Jade." I said trying to soothe her.

"Who did this to you?" She asked.

I sighed. "I honestly think it was John. The sound of his voice...and he said that I left him heartbroken and without any money. He said he was going to kill me." My voice cracked on the last sentence.

"Oh my God."

We heard a knock at the door and looked over to see the doctor.

"Ah, Miss Coleman. Glad to see you're awake finally awake. You gave us quite a scare." He said as he walked over to the bedside.

"By your condition you were found it, we were surprised that the problems were only minor. You have a concussion and cuts and bruises, but I'm sure you'll be able to leave by tomorrow morning. You'll probably feel sore for about a week or so, but you'll be able to recover fully." He said.

"Thank you doctor." I said.

"We have a police officer here to talk to you about what happened. After that's all said and done, we'll leave you to rest."

I nodded. As soon as he walked out of the room, the cop walked in.

"Hello Miss Coleman, I'm officer Hughes and here to talk about the events that took place last night."


"What happened?" He asked.

"Around 11 p.m. last night, I decided to go for a walk because I was restless and couldn't sleep. I walked around the city a little bit and when I was ready to go home I thought I'd walk back through the park. That was around 12:30 a.m."

He wrote down what I was saying on the notepad in his hand.

"Okay, please continue."

"I saw a guy sitting on the bench, but I didn't bother to pay attention to him or to see if I knew knew him. I just walked on. Maybe five minutes into my walk through the park, I found myself fall to the grounnd and he started to attack me."

He wrote that down and then looked back up at me.

"Do you have any suspicions about who the attacker might be?" He asked.

"Yes." I answered instantly.


"My ex-boyfriend Johnathan Taylor."

"Do you know where he's currently living at?"

"No sir."

He wrote more then sighed.

"Well Miss Coleman, I'll keep in touch with you and let you know if we get any leads on your case."

"Okay, thank you officer Hughes."

He nodded and walked away.

"This is crazy." Jade said.

"It is."

"Well, I'm gonna go down to the cafeteria real quick and get something to drink. Do you want me to bring you back anything?"  She asked.

"No, I'm good for right now, but thanks for asking."

"Alright, well I'll be back."

"Okay." I layed there and felt so tired and just...drained. My eyes started to feel heavy and I soon found myself falling alseep.


So whatcha guys think?! :D That was the first chapter to this story and I'm currently coming up with ideas for chapter 2! :) Hopefully it'll be up tomorrow. Comments, votes, fanning, etc will be greatly appreciated! I hope you guys liked this chapter and the many more to come!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2011 ⏰

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