Reba Hart,s life saving Miracle

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cahapter 1

Reba Hart is a Realator and mom of 3 children named cheyanne Kyra and jake she also has a son in law named van and a granddaughter named elizabeth . Reba has been really busy all week and has been really Tired and has been having dizzy spells but chocks it up to her blood pressure . its a rarae day she has off from work so Reba is at home playing with elizabeth her granddaughter and all of a sudden Reba colapses to the ground Brock walks in the door and sees his ex wife on the floor uncouncious he immideatley calls 911 Reba is Rushed to the Hospital van cheyanne Elizabeth arrive at the hospital along with jake and Kyra they wait in the waiting room anxousley . a man in a white coat walks out and says are you the family of Reba hart cheyanne says yes he says im Dr miller I have been treating Reba since she came Brock says whats wrong with reba dr miller says Reba,s heart is falling cheyanne said you can stop it Right Dr miller said no the only way is with a heart transplant . Cheyanne says Dr miller how are you going to get my mom a new heart Dr miller says cheyanne we are putting your mom on the transplant list jake says dr miller can i see my mom he says sure jake walks into his mom,s room and says mom im here Reba says Im glad elizabeth comes in and jumps in the her Grandmas bed a snuggles next to her cheyanne says elizabeth you cant be jumping on grandmas bed Reba,s like cheyanne she is fine elizabeth says grandma when will you be getting your new heart Reba says soon honey Real soon Barbra jean walks into Reba,s hospital room and hugs reba and says I am gonna do whatever i can to help you Reba says thank you Barbra jean later that evening the family went home Reba lay in her hospital bed praying to GOD to help her Reba said GOD i dont want to leave my family yet . end of chapter 1 tell me what you all think this is my first Reba fanfiction story .

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