~ Fun in the Office ~

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   "(Y/N), what's it like to wear a corset? ~" Grell sauntered into the main office and sat in the desk you were working at, crossing his legs over (rather seductively, might you say?).


   "I imagine you're quite curious to know, aren't you? Would you like to try on one of mine?" You asked, looking at him deviously. The other reapers weren't really paying attention, but apparently the mention of a colleague's undergarments was a subject of intense interest.

   "Ah! ~ I'd love to!" Screamed Grell, hopping off the desk and into... your arms? Anyway, you placed him back onto the ground as you stood from your seat.

   "Into my office we go then. We don't want the gentlemen seeing the ladies change, do we?" You smirked at William, who you could've sworn then blushed a little, yet kept his stoic expressionlessness. "But I must warn you, Grell, it's not as enjoyable as I believe you imagine it to be. A lady's first time always hurts." You warned as you walked out with Grell clinging to... your... leg? Really? Seriously? ... ANYWAY!

   As you closed the door to your office, securely locking Grell in, you heard them come out from hiding. You weren't sure whether it was to listen to their scarlet colleague's cries of pain, or to view the finished result, but what you did know was that you were going to make your little Grellikins look even more beautiful than he already did.

   You walked to your wardrobe, (Yes, that's right. William's excessive dishing out of overtime meant that you had decided to build a miniature home within your office.), and pulled out the most stunning deep red corset that you owned. You didn't own a lot of red. You weren't all too fond of the colour to be honest, but you had this made to impress... well, that doesn't matter.

   The reapers waited outside. What you didn't know was that they were listening in closely. You held the corset in your hands.

   "I need you by the bed. Hold on tight to the post." You said, following him over to the bed. He grabbed onto the post as tight as he could.

   "I'm afraid you're going to have to get into position for me. It'll hurt a little more, but it'll make for a nice, tight fit." Grell did as he was told, but was obviously scared.

   "Is it really going to hurt, (N/N)? ~" He asked in what could only be described as the most beautifully vulnerable voice.

   "I'm afraid so, but you'll just have to bare it if you want to reach the end." You wrapped the corset around his already slender torso and prepared him.

   "Here we go." You said, as you yanked the laces, whilst your boot pushed onto his behind, giving you more pull power.

   "Ah! (N/N)! It hurts!" He wailed between moans.

   "I know..." You began, moaning just as much from the effort. "But please, just bare with it for my sake. Nice and tight. That's what we want." You spluttered, still moaning.

   "Ah! U-Uh! (N..)... (N/N)! Moaned Grell, clearly in agony. You couldn't blame him. These things were torture.

   "You're being a really... uh... good boy for me. Doing so... well. Nearly... Uh... done... ah... one last.. big one... Uh!" You grunted as you yanked the laces as hard as you possibly could and quickly tied it up.

   "There we go." You finally said, panting, as was poor Grell. "A lovely tight fit. You were wonderful." You said, still a little out of breath.

   "That was horrible!" He complained.

   "I know, but a couple more times and it'll fit just snug." You smiled, opening the office door. You were greeted by a sea of what you could only describe as stunned faces; blushing and sweating. Apparently every reaper in the office wanted to see Grell in his new corset, and some of the women were fanning themselves down with papers.

   "...Why are you all so red?" You asked, genuinely confused. They just continued to stare until...

   "RED?! ~" Grell came rushing to the door, albeit rather robotically due to the corset, and saw them all. He clearly didn't care for their reaction. "So... What do you think? ~" He asked, twirling around, caressing his now emphasized hips and running his hands down his sides, grinning.

   "Uh-ha." Was all you got from William... or anyone for that matter, as the crowd dispersed. The men all covered their parts with their... papers... but why? It's just a ...

   "Oh my god." You said out loud.

   "What? ~" Asked Grell.

   "Um... I'm not sure you're the only one feeling a tight fit right now..."  

Grell x Reader ~ A Nice, Tight Fit [One Shot]Where stories live. Discover now