I'm A Maid To Five Vampires And They All Want ME?! Part 8

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Chapter 8:

"Take that bitch!"

Stepping out of the bathroom, I let out a startled shriek when suddenly I'm tackled down to the ground yet again.

Only this time...I'm tackled by Jack...who is wearing a long flowing white wedding gown...complete with veil and lily bouquet.

"What the hell Jack?!" I demand as I scramble to my feet, "I'm trying to get ready here! Why are you even in my apartment?!"

Suddenly Griffin pokes his head around the corner, his eyes wide and he spins back around, but not before I catch sight of red lace.

My jaw drops, "Oh you did NOT!" I shriek as I chase after him.

Just as I suspected.

Griffin is wearing my new lingerie. My brand new lacy red lingerie which I had no intention of showing any of the guys.

"Take it off!" I point at both of them, "And explain!"

They stand in front of me like a couple of embarrassed kids, "Sorry Molly...we just...well we came down to wake you up, but you were already in the shower and then we found a bunch of bags from when Hansen took you shopping yesterday and we wanted to see what you bought..." Jack explains.

"Yeah...and just so you know, the inside material of this thong is AMAZING against my skin!" Griffin tells me with a totally serious expression.

My eye twitches and he slowly begins to take it off, but I stop him, "You know what? Keep it." I mutter, "Just put my stuff away. I need to get to school." I push past them.

With the elevator coming to a stop at the ground floor, I stroll out and grin at Nick, "Morning. Can I ask you a favour?"

He nods, "Sure."

"Go check my room. If you see a red lace thong and matching bra, then burn them. 'Kay?"

Nick raises an eyebrow, but nods again, "No problem."

Sprinting out of the building I climb into the car.

I'm taking mine.

Yep. I said that there were only four cars, but Silas bought me a new one.

She's beautiful.

I named her Rosa.

She's a sleek shiny, brand new silver Mercedes Benz G500 and I love her.

Pulling out of the underground parking, I speed down the street faster than I should. If I get a ticket then...I'll just ask one of the guys to pay for it.

It takes me a while, but I finally find the school and pull into one of the parks.

Climbing out, I lock it with the push of a button and wander around aimlessly with my backpack slung half heartedly over my shoulder.

"You look a little lost?"

Glancing up from looking at my feet, I smile at the guy. Curly blonde hair, big brown eyes. He's cute, "First day." I reply.

He chuckles, "I'm Jona and you are?"

"Molly." I reply as I go over to him, "What are you doing anyway?"

Jona is holding something that looks a lot like a vacuum cleaner cross toaster, "Oh uh...it's nothing." And with that he discards it behind him, but feels guilty about littering and picks it up again, "Sorry...um. So how long have you been in England? You have an American accent."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2009 ⏰

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