Gollum-Smeagol-Marty Stugol

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(I do not own Lord of the Rings (thank StarClan). Just the idea. I do not own Gollum-Sméagol either. If you could comment, that would be nice.)

  "We wants it, precious!"

"No!! We swores on the Precious, yes, yes, we dids, we DIDS! To serve the master!"

"Master chains us!"

"Master lets us free!"

"Master is a Bagginses! We hates it!"


"Master is on a quests to save Middle Earth, we musts help him!"

"No!!!!!!" Sméagol and Gollum screeched at once. "Shh! Must nots wake the hobbitses!" Gollum whispered, putting a hand over his mouth.

"Who is thiss... We hates it!!" Sméagol said in horror.

"We musts help the master and the fat one!! We must be perfect!! We is Marty-Stugol!!"

"AAHHHHHH!!" Gollum screamed in shock.

"We musts catch some fish for the master!! He is very hungry!"

"Leave! Now! And NEVER come back!"

"Fine! If that's what you want..." Marty-Stugol sniffed. "Goodbye!!" 

"What was that!? It was... HORRIBLE!!" Sméagol shivered.

"It... was Marty Stugol!!" Gollum hissed. "We must not let it posses us again!!"

"Never!" Sméagol agreed.

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