I'm A Maid To Five Vampires And They All Want ME?! Part 7

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Chapter 7:


When we turn the corner the fun park is on, I feel strange.

It's a bubbly, wiggly feeling in my stomach that I really am not appreciating.

The closer we get, the sicker I feel to the point that I'd really like to bring up that homeless guy I had on the way to the party.

"Are you alright Silas? You look kinda green." Molly exclaims.

Glancing down at her, I roll my eyes, "No, your eyes must just be tinted or something." I tell her, desperately attempting to diminish this alien feeling.

Once we get a couple of metres away from the gate leading in, I notice Molly has her gaze locked on the Ferris wheel. Her eyes somewhat sad at the sight of it...and what annoys me most is that I don't know why.

I've made a rule up for myself.

I'm not going to read her mind anymore.

It's rude and I'm not sure she appreciates it.


I grin at Jared who's leaning against the fence watching us, "Hey Jared." I greet him.

Jared lowers his gaze to Molly who's standing beside me eyeing this new guy strangely, "Nice to meet you..." he trails off, looking at her expectantly.

She blushes and steps in closer to me.

There's that ever growing wiggly feeling again. I wonder what that is!

"I'm Molly." She introduces herself in a hushed tone.

Poor girl.

Jared winks at her, "Nice to meet Sy's latest squeeze."

Molly's cheeks literally drain free of blood and she's suddenly extremely pale, "Oh...I uh...ok."

"Unless of course you're not his newest toy...in which case-" he offers his arm to her, "Could I take you out to dinner perhaps?"

I'm half expecting her to accept his offer.

"Sorry, but I'm hanging out with Silas tonight. We're taking this time to..." she pauses, "Forgive and move on." With that she links her arm in mine.

Jared raises an eyebrow at me, "Oh? Well alright then. Silas, once you're finished, you can lock up right?"

Nodding, he throws me the keys and strolls off leaving Molly and myself staring up at the fun park by ourselves.

It's dark and empty.

Molly glances over at me, "The park? I asked you to take me to a park and you bring me to this?"

"Well sooorrry!" I mutter as I open the gate and wander in.

Going over to the control booth, I figure it out. I've done all this before when I got bored. I'd come and help him during the day.

Flicking some switches and levers, the entire park lights up and so do Molly's eyes.

"What first milady?" I enquire.

She laughs, "Um...Ferris wheel?" she asks a little shyly before sprinting off towards it.

What is it with her and the Ferris wheel?

"My mother-" I guess she's going to tell me, "Used to take me to the circus when I was little. It came every year and stayed for a week. She'd take me everyday and we'd go on every ride except the Ferris wheel which we saved for last." She explains as she climbs into one of the seats, "The controller always stopped it when we were at the top and we'd just take everything in. She'd point out our house and where my school was...it was my most favourite part of the day. We'd just sit there and talk and cuddle. I loved her so much." Molly explains as she leans back and stares up at the stars.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2009 ⏰

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