The Boogeyman

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Once, there was a family of two. A mother called Meredith, and a son named Henry. The father had passed away when he tried to rescue a young boy in a house that had caught on fire.

They had a fairly large house for just two people. A dining hall, a dinning room, a living room, five bedrooms, three restrooms, a play room, two attics, and a library. They did not use most of the rooms, due to lack of artificial lights, and warmth.

"Good morning Henry, did you have a peaceful slumber?" Meredith asked, Henry as she served him with breakfast. Is was a typical breakfast, eggs, pancakes, and bacon.

"Yes mother, although I am still quite tired." Henry replied as he rubbed his eyes, and picked up his fork.

"I'm sorry to hear that, are you ready for school?" Meredith asked as she began to make Henry's lunch.

"I will be after I finish up with breakfast." Henry replied with a smirk.

"Now Henry, hurry and finish up so we can get going." Meredith stated sternly, as she put Henry's lunch in his backpack.

"Alright." Henry said as he dabbed at his mouth with a napkin, and set his dish in the sink. He then retrieved his backpack from his mother's hands.
The pair walked outside, and got into the car, they then made their way to Henry's school. They made it to the kindergarten, and said their goodbyes.

Later that night when the pair was getting ready for bed.

"Goodnight mother." Henry said as he made his way to his mother, who was on the other side of the living room.

"Goodnight Henry, sweet dreams." Meredith said as she embraced her son tightly.

As Henry walked upstairs to his room, Meredith got this horrible, gut-wrenching feeling in her stomach.
Instead of panicking, she just decided to brush it off, and get some shut eye herself.

Sometime in the middle of the night...

"AHHHHHHH!" Henry shrieked, as he saw a hideous, frightening, monster who was just watching him at the foot of his bed. An indescribable type of fear, filled his stomach as he saw it crawl to his window and jump out. By the time Meredith made it into his room, the creature was already gone.

"What in God's green earth happened?!" Asked an extremely concerned Meredith, as she set her double barrel shotgun down in the hall, and made her way to Henry's bed.
Henry didn't respond due to the horrific event he had just witnessed.

"Honey, what happened?" Meredith asked again as she wrapped her arms around Henry.

"T-T-The boogeyman was here." Henry recapped, still trembling from the traumatic incident.

"Oh sweetheart, it was just a bad dream, the boogeyman doesn't exist."

"Mom, I'm not lying." Henry said, with tears in his eyes.

"Honey, you are going to be tired in the morning. You best get some shut eye." Meredith said as she wiped his tears away, and tucked Henry in.
Henry then decided to get some sleep because his mother was right, he was having to get up early in the morning.
Meredith kissed Henry on the forehead, and said to rest up.

This continued for the next 3 days.

So the next morning, when Meredith had already taken Henry to school, she decided to pick up some video cameras to set up in Henry's room to show him that their was nothing to be afraid of.

The first morning of full video footage.

When Meredith had awoken Henry, he seemed a little off. As if he were slightly dazed by something. Meredith had asked what was wrong, but he had just stared at her with a blank expression.

That day, after Meredith had taken Henry to school, she decided to view the footage.

She pressed the play button, and began to watch.

The beginning showed, Henry walk into the room, turn off the lights, and lie down.
The tape showed Henry toss and turn, until about 2:43 AM, when the closet door, slowly creeped open.

A pale, naked, filthy human-like creature, crawled on all fours, to Henry's bed. It watched him sleep for about 20 minutes. Meredith wanted to vomit, she was absolutely horrified. She then saw the creature put it's hands over Henry's mouth, and slowly drag him into the closet. Henry's eyes were now open and he looked terrified. He couldn't make a noise due to the monster's hand covering his mouth. Meredith was completely disgusted, she was sleeping while her own son was being haunted by what she thought was a myth.

About one hour later, the creature emerged from the closet.

It crawled over to Henry's bed, and set down what looked like a worm.
Over the course of 3 hours, the worm like thing mutated into a little boy. Not just any little boy, it was her little boy, Henry.

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