Chapter 1

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Kibum stood up and wiped his lips.
"Your cum tastes pretty bitter. I recommend you try eating pineapple," Key spoke as the boy in front of him zipped up his pants.  "Anyway, let's get going." Kibum opened the door to the janitor's closet and walked out, the other male not far behind him.
"So Kibumie~" Yongguk was cut off by the said male.
"Don't call me that," Kibum replied as he eyed the other in disgust before continuing down the hallway. Yongguk only sighed before continuing his sentence.
"Kibum, you are aware that class is still going on right?" Youngguk asked. Kibum groaned in annoyance.
"Yes I do know. Now will you get on with your life and leave me alone?" Kibum countered.  Yongguk sighed again before walking away.
"Alright fine." Yongguk walked the other way down the hall. Kibum sighed when he was finally away from him.
"Thank god that fool is gone. Now I can go spy on my Minnieho," Kibum said to himself excitedly as he hurried over to Minho's class.

Minho listened to the teacher intently. The teacher wasn't the funniest in the world but he wasn't the most boring teacher either. Minho jotted down the notes on the board.
"Alright class! This is your worksheet for today; finish it in class or it's homework," The teacher stated before going over to  his desk and sitting down. "Please come pass these out Niel." Niel got up from his seat and went to the Teacher's desk to retrieve the papers and pass them out. Once the paper was placed on Minho's desk he got to work.
"What the hell?" A boy in the seat next to Minho said. Minho looked up and saw that the boy was looking at the window of the classroom door. Minho looked at the classroom door window and his eyebrow rose. In the window a feline eyed male was staring in with a big smile. The fog of his breath was visible against the window.
"Teacher, someone is at the door!" A kid from the back of the class named Jimin said. The teacher looked at the door and sighed. He got up and opened the door.
"Get away from the door Kibum and go to class!" The teacher said to the boy.
"But I want to see Minnieho!"  He said. Minho's eyebrows rose again, is Minnieho supposed to be him? But he doesn't even know him! The teacher sighed again.
"Stop disrupting my class Kibum," the teacher said before shutting the door and sitting at his desk. Kibum frowned and was gone. The class began the chit chat amongst each other.
"That was weird," The boy next  to Minho said. The boy behind Minhoo chuckled.
"Yeah. Do you know who he is?" The boy behind Minho named, Youngjae, said. Minho and the boy next to him, Siwon, shook their heads.
"That's Kim Kibum. He's the school-" Yoingjae was cut off by the teacher who slammed a book against his desk.
"Get to work or I will give everyone an eight page essay about the importance of staying on task," The teacher said before the class went dead quiet. So quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Jonghyun chuckled. He eyed the boy sitting two seats ahead from his. His name is Jinki. He's so adorable Jonghyun thought.  He felt a tap on his shoulder. Jonghyun looked to his side to see who tapped him. He saw his friend, Mark.
"What?" He asked. Mark looked at Jinki then back at Jonghyun.
"So, when are you going to ask him out?" Mark whispered. Jonghyun smirked.
"I dunno. Maybe tomorrow?" Jonghyun replied. Mark snickered. Jonghyun saw this and frowned. "Yah! Why are you snickering?" Mark was about to open his mouth in response but before he could the teacher cleared her throat loudly. The duo looked to the teacher who had her arms crossed.
"Kim Jonghyun and Tuan Mark," She paused and everyone in the class turned around to look at them, "is there something you'd like to share with the whole class?" Jonghyun sucked his teeth in annoyance.
"No ma'am. But your voice is pretty nasally. Was it always like that or did you mess up your nose with all that surgery? We all know you weren't born as pretty as you are now," Jonghyun smirked and everyone in the class except Jinki laughed. The teacher gasped.
"Out of my class now Jonghyun!" The teacher shouted and Jonghyun got up, still smirking. He left the room "Now since as  everyone except Jinki thought that was funny, you all have to write a 10,000 word essay on how and why you should respect your teachers. Begin working on it now because it will be for a major grade Nest week Monday!" The teacher said before storming off to her desk and clicking away at her computer. The class groaned loudly.
Jinki sighed in content. He's glad he didn't laugh. He wanted to laugh but, he didn't because he knew there would be repercussions. But now that the class actually did get in trouble and he didn't, it would only give him more to deal with.
Jinki is a pretty smart and sweet student but, the problem is how gullible he is. If you tell him that a unicorn would appear if you snap your fingers three times then he would try it. He might not do it in front of you but, he will try it.
Jinki sighed. The teacher didn't even tell him what he could in the meantime. Jinki looked to the clock and let out another sigh of relief, class was almost over. Thank god.

Taemin popped his chest and rolled his hips seductively as part of his dance. He loved having dance class as his first elective class. He especially loved it because after they finished the main lesson the teacher would let them freestyle to whatever song they'd like.
"Go Taemin!" His best friend, Jongin, cheered from the crowd  surrounding him. Taemin smirked at his best friend' s words of encouragement  and only popped his hips hotly before ending his show .
"That's all for now guys!" Taemin smiled before walking over to his Jongin. Jongin clapped.
"You're pretty good Taemin but, not that good," Jongin said. Taemin chuckled.
"Really? Are you better?" Taemin asked. Jongin smirked.
"Maybe..." Jongin trailed off. Taemin rose an eyebrow.
"Oh really? Show me," Taemin said.
"OK," Jongin said but, just as he was about to make his way to the middle of the room the bell rang. He looked at Taemin. "Maybe next time. C'mon let's go." Jongin grabbed his stuff and Taemin did the same. The duo walked out of the room together.  As the two walked through the hallways, Taemin suddenly gasped and tapped Jongin, who was talking to his crush, Kyungsoo
"What?" Jongin asked, looking at Taemin. Taemin pointed to a blonde haired guy with feline eyes who was biting his lip and leaning against a locker while eyeing a tall dark brown haired boy who walked by.
"That's him. That's my crush," Taemin said and Jongin looked at the guy.
"You like Kim Kibum?" Kyungsoo asked, looking at Taemin. Taemin nodded and bit his lip.
"Yeah. Isn't he hot?" Taemin said, licking his lips and biting it again as they got closer to him.
"You know he's the school whore, right?" Kyungsoo asked. Taemin nodded his head and stared at Key as they passed him. He locked eyes with him and licked his lip. Key winked at Taemin before lookin over to someone else behind him. As they continued down the hall away from Key Jongin chuckled.
"Smooth. Real smooth~" Jongin said and Taemin nudged him with his elbow.
"Shut up. At least he winked at me!" Taemin said and Kyungsoo sighed.
"Sorry to tell you this Taemin but, Key is a flirt and he's also an upperclassman. I don't think he's willing to sleep with a freshman let alone, date one. I've only heard of him being with kids in 10th grade and higher. I think he draws a line with people under 16," Kyungsoo spoke and Taemin frowned.
"I'm 14 you know! I'm only 2 years away!" Taemin said.
"And 1 year away from 13. Kibum is 17. I highly doubt he'd be able to get it on with a kid who probably doesn't have any public hair, without feeling like a pedophile," Jongin said. Taemin grunted.
"I do have public hair!" He shouted, and the kids around him gave him a weird look and Taemin chuckled. "Is what my little brother said when we were on the phone the other day," Taemin said, trying to cover his ass. Kyungsoo and Kai only snickered before they had to separate and get to their classes.

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