How could you do this?

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  • Dedicated to To all of my loyal fans! I love you :)

"Miss Granger, when exactly did you intend to tell us all that you were pregnant?" McGonagall inquired.


"I'm not pregnant." I insisted as I got to my feet. Despite that, I couldn't help but feel a slight truth behind her story. That would explain why I felt so sick constantly and why I couldn't eat recently.

"But you are." McGonagall vowed as she leaned further towards us. "Madame Pomfrey did not mean to but when you were in the hospital with Mr Malfoy after the battle she used a spell to see what was wrong with his body and she saw it in your body."

"She can't be pregnant, we were careful when..."

"I don't need to know what you and Miss Granger have been up to, however, sometimes spells fail when they are not cast right." McGonagall pointed out. I stared at her in shock. I hadn't thought about it but I could be pregnant, it would tie up all the loose ends. Then my chest tightened as I realised what would happen as a result to all of this. 

"But if I am pregnant, not that I am, what would happen to me, to the baby?" I inquired curiously.

"As far as I can tell, you are only a few weeks pregnant and, therefore, should have finished school before it has been born." Professor McGonagall reminded me.

"So it won't affect my studies or anything like that." I inquired desperately.

"Of course not, but we would recommend to take things carefully from now on." McGonagall suggested.

I nodded and she got to her feet before turning to smile at us both.

"I wish you the best with your unborn child." She told us a half-smile playing across her lips as she backed out of the room.

"That wasn't too bad." Draco commented quietly.

"Not too bad! I'm pregnant Draco!" I screeched, "What is this going to do to all my studying and if there's going to be another attack I wouldn't be able to defend myself in fear of hurting the baby!"

"Hermione please calm down," Draco pleaded. His hand reaching out for me where he still sat on the arm of the chair. He looked so innocent, he was acting so innocent and this was his entire fault.

How could he expect me to bring up a child during troubled times like this?

How could he even do this to me?

"Mione please," Draco pleaded his eyes growing wider as he tried to get me to forgive him. I wasn't going to forgive him; how could I after he had done that to me?

I pulled my hand away as I turned and marched into my bedroom. Waving my wand, I locked the door behind me before I collapsed onto the bed and let the tears flow; what had I done?

I know that Draco had hurt me and that he deserved everything had had happened out there but it wasn't his fault. He hadn't known that the spell would fail and I had been just as happy to partake in our sexual intercourse.

And then there was the child...

Maybe having a baby wouldn't be as bad as I originally though; it would give me a chance to show someone as much love as my parents did me even if it didn't feel the same anymore when I was with them. I wouldn't leave my baby, no matter what.

I heard the door creak open and I rolled over to see Draco framed in the doorway. He walked over to the bed and crawled on top of it, tightening his arms around me as he held me close.

"I'm sorry Mione," He apologised, his hand rubbing up and down my arm. "I swear that I never meant to hurt you like that."

"I'm sorry too; I did over-react a little bit." I stated as I turned back over so that my back was pressed against his chest. His hand slid over to his chest as he slowly massaged my stomach his head resting in the curve of my neck as he muzzled me softly. The movements felt so relaxing and I kissed his cheek happily. How I ever could have even thought about giving him up bemused me.

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