Cheater Cheater Temptation Seeker

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One, Two, Three, Four times...

So thats how high we can count.

Four times you broke my heart,


Thats the amount.

Four times i fell for you,

And the rotten tricks you play.

Always hoping and believing

That "he'll change one day".

But each time, i see more and more,

Through the little cracks you leave.

And what it shows me is that

Youre not what you seem to be,

And youve got more up your sleeve.

You think id learn, not to let you in so easily,

I know all you do is lie.

And when i do,

Finally catch you,

All i want to do, is run in the rain, so no one can see me cry.

Youve poisened my mind of what love should be

It should be faithful,

For eturnity.

Not constantly waiting to see what youll do

This time around

To make me feel used

Cheating is heartbreaking

Heart wrenching

To all it devours

And it comes so sudden, just in a moments hours

You go from happy completely

To depressing the same

All because someone

Wanted to play this game.

Love is not a game

Its not a term just to use

Its a feeling thats real

And its everything to lose

Cheating takes it

In a way thats not fair

What was wrong with me?

Why didnt you care?

Care enough to stay faithful

To stay with me and stay true

Because you may not have loved me

But I loved you.

(You can thank "Trey Givens" for this poem, without him I never would've wrote it..)

Cheater Cheater Temptation SeekerWhere stories live. Discover now