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danielle's point of view ↬

another shit day at school, what's new?

im on my way home and currently listening to radio, by twenty one pilots, through my headphones.

i blocked out the world and avoided eye contact with anyone from school.


ah home, the one place i can escape from assholes. well all except for my brother taylor.

we used to be close but that changed when we went to different schools. i go to an all girls school, but i never really talk about it. not like my family cares though, i just keep to myself most of the time.

anyways i unlocked the door and walked inside.

"mom i'm home." i yelled taking out my ear buds.

"no one cares danielle, so stop the yelling." taylor yelled— he told me to stop yelling but he yells ?— probably from the living room.

i rolled my eyes and walked where i presumed he was.

oh yes theirs my sweet brother lying on the couch with junk food surrounding him.

i looked at the flat screen and re - runs of rugrats was playing.

typical taylor.

"where's mom?" i asked curious.

she's had the day off which is rare, and on those rare occasions she's usually home cooking for us.

"she went out shopping with aunt jessica." he mumbled waving me off while stuffing his mouth with cheese puffs. classy taylor, very classy.

"whatever, clean this mess up when your done." i said and walked into the kitchen.

i looked thru the pantry and landed on the container of my heart.

also known as a nutella jar.

i grinned and took out the bread. i popped the two nice pieces into the toaster and patiently waited for the little pop.

tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick to -

*toaster pop*

took you long enough.

i spread the coco goodness over the toasted bread and poured me a glass of milk.

i sat at the island and ate my breakfast, lunch and dinner for the day.

i'm not in the mood to eat today, then again when am i ever ?

christmas is next week so no school for two weeks.

yes bitches.

i get a break from hell, and get some quality time with my mom, and dad.

taylor time is forced, i guess.

both my mother and father work from 8 am to 11 pm. so we rarely get to see them during the day, but i mean at least they get weekends off.

during christmas vacation we all go out of the country on a special trip.

dad and mom like to keep the location of where were going a secret until the last day of school, which is today.

i've been waiting for this day since school started. i really, really want to go to europe. mom's been making a lot of italian food so i've been a little on edge.

when i was done eating i walked upstairs and put my phone on my beat's pill and played my the 1975 playlist.

i plopped onto my bed and curled into a ball while snuggling into my fuzzy blankets.

taylor caniff's sister ✧ magcon boys.Where stories live. Discover now