Misjudged (Prologue)

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Savanah Davalos,

your typical innocent girl who has never failed a class, skipped school, done drugs, consumed alcohol, gotten a tattoo, or gotten a boyfriend.

Niall Horan,

your typical bad boy who has failed most of his classes, ditched school, definitely done drugs, consumes a lot of alcohol, covered in tattoos, but has never had a real relationship.

What happens when innocence clashes with rebellion, is it true that opposites attract?

Will bad boy Horan fall for her innocence or will she just be one of his toys.

Will Savanah fall for his rebellious side and change or will she simply Misjudge.

Hey guys this is a new fanfic I'm working on but Magaly will be writing a fanfic of her own shortly just while we come up with ideas for our other fanfic The Nerd That Stole My Heart.


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