My Second Chance

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Baby now that we are back together

Everything seems to be better

Boy, I could not wait any longer

Especially if we're not together

Oh how I miss your gentle touch

And your kisses that would not rush

I have no idea why I feel this much

But baby you are one hell of a catch

I long to touch your fingertips

I need to kiss your damn lips

I miss your hand on my hips

Why can't you be here for me to keep?

Please know, I am sorry for my mistake

Thank you for another chance to take

Baby we are together evey step we make

Boy I love you for goodness sake!


This is the second poem I've posted in Wattpad. "My Second Chance" is actually like a book 2. If you're gonna read the first poem I've posted, they would tell you a story.

You can see the link of my first poem entitled "My First Sonata" on the side. :)

Thanks for dropping by!

Gambatte! ~(>_<)~

My Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now