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Chapter 1:

Taylor's POV:

I slump in my chair, out of breath. I just ran from club red, and I'm so tired. I'm really out of shape, wow. Okay. Tonight was the last concert of the red tour, and I couldn't be happier about it. Everything went as planned, I didn't fall, get a bug in my mouth, mess up words, everything went just perfect.

Tomorrow I head back to America. I can't wait to see Selena and Ed and Harry and everyone! I know what your thinking. Harry? Haylor is OVER. Not exactly. I mean, I was going on tour, so we decided to break things off before we got serious, but he promised to wait for me, and hopefully he's keeping it.


"Mere, I'm home," I yell with excitement as I burst through my front door. She gives me a evil look and returns back to sleep on the couch. "Alright then, missed you too," I say put my bags down by the door. All of a sudden my phone is blowing up.



I also got a text from my mom

Mom: hey sweetie, text when your home safe, love ya..


she didn't come with me international because she had to deal with some things with my aunt, who is really sick right now, and needs her, which is okay with me, but I missed her SO much.

While I lug my suitcases upstairs, I hear the front door open downstairs. "TAYLOR WHERE ARE YOU, YOU LITTLE SHIT WHO WENT TO SOUTH AMERICA WITHOUT ME," Selena yells from downstairs. She is so obsessed with South America, even though she's been there 100000 times, she wanted to come. "UP HERE," I yell, and she runs up the stairs. "TAY," she yells and throws her arms around me. I squeeze her tightly until she pulls away. "How was the tour?!" She asks with a smile, sitting on the end of my bed while I unload my clothes. "Good," I say with a fake smile, but she knows me to well. "Taylor, what the hell? Are you okay?" She asks, concerned. "Yeah, I'm fine, it's just, Harry never texted.." She rolls her eyes. "He's a jerk than, I'm telling you, don't date him again, he'll break you," she says with a sorrow look, and stands up, pulling me in for another hug.

Chapter 2:

Harry's POV:

"HAZZA," Lou yells and jumps on top of me, waking me up. "Go away," I mumble and roll over. "It's 1 in the afternoon lad," Zayn says with a chuckle in the background somewhere. This is why I hate having our 'boy band sleepover' that we have at least every weekend. We usually all sleep over someone's flat and talk about girls, eat, and goof off. "Oh yeah, Taylor called you about 10 times, what's up with that?" Niall asked, and Louis nudged me. "Yeah what's up with that," he mimicked and I rolled my eyes and sat up. "I don't know, I'll call her back later," I say, and I walk into the bathroom to shower. I was always 'grumpy' if I didn't take my shower in the morning. That's what I'm told.

Once I get out of the shower, I walk back into the living room, and I hear the boys eating in the kitchen, so I decide to call Taylor while they aren't all over me. I slip out of phone and dial her number, walking into the back room. The boys and Taylor get along, but we never told them how we might get back together, they don't know that. "Hello?" She asks, sounding happy as always. "Hey Taylor," I say with a smirk. "I called you, how are you?" She asks, probably trying to bring up the dating subject without being obvious. "I'm good, and you?" I ask awkwardly. "Good.." She says. "So Uhm, I should go eat with the lads, bye," I say, even more awkwardly and hang up before she could say something, than I jog into the kitchen.

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