First Meeting

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Hi everyone I'm new to writing these, so sorry that some of the words here may have a bad grammar and thanks for reading, and the pictures don't belong to me.

Normal Pov

You were walking in the woods carrying your flashlight with you and wondering to yourself why you even choose dare to begin with.

* Flashback *
You and your friends were playing truth or dare at night at your friends house having a sleepover and finally it was your turn to play so you choose dare and then they told you to search for clues if Slenderman is real or not.
* End of Flashback *

Your Pov

" Now that I think about it this really is a stupid dare. Why did I even choose dare to begin with." I thought to myself. Suddenly I heard a twig snap and I turned around only to see nothing, thinking of it as nothing I just continued into the woods.

Unknown to you there is someone who is watching you from afar.

Slenderman's Pov

"Who is this human? It seems he doesn't know the dangers of this forest and he doesn't seem scared." I thought to myself."Hmmm maybe I should watch him a little more before killing him." I thought to myself. I followed him until I saw his shoes got stuck in mud and he had an angry expression "Cute" I thought to myself wait what did I just say this is the first time I've ever felt for someone I don't even know.

Without me noticing I chuckled at his reaction and he turned around to see me.

Your Pov

I was getting really bored with this and I decided to go to my friends to tell them that Slenderman isn't real but just as I was about to go, my right shoe got stuck on a mud "Really?" I thought to myself and got angry at myself at how stupid I was. Suddenly I heard someone then I immediately turned around to come in face to face with the slender being, he has no facial features "Hi?" I suddenly said awkwardly considering my shoes is still stuck in the mud.

Comment me if I have made any mistakes and thanks again for reading.

Slenderman X Male Reader (Truth Or Dare)Where stories live. Discover now