The Bathroom Stall

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Every time I walk down the hall people always flag me down for adivce, advice I don't have. Some days I wish I woulden't have written everything down; down in the bathroom stall.

But we aren't there quit yet......

Freshman year, the year that's gonna prove my life in High school. My plan is to finally become popular or at least have friends that I can actually trust.

"Regina!" Cries out Sadie when running over to me. "How was your summer?!!" She squeals when hugging me.

"FIne, wrote a few novels out at my lake side house."


"So what did you do?" I ask her softly when walking down the hallway with her.

"Well where should I begin?"

As she begins to talk I drowned her out to notice that everyone has changed. Girls wear make up, boys act mature, and then there's me. A girl who doesn't look like an antisocial freak but really is one. A girl who spends her time trapped in her bedroom reading, writing, or blogging. A girl who's best friends are cats. A girl who has no friends.

Amanda really isn't my friend but if she is she's a pretty bad friend. She only hangs out with me at school and never invites me anywhere but she invites her so called enemy , Sofia. Sofia seems like her best friend though, they always hang out...without me.

"So what's what I did this Summer!" She squeals when looking me over. "You still look like a grade 6 student.." She sighs. I did hit puberty but it didn't hit me back.

"I'm just a late bloomer!"

"Well looks like you're going to be single this year!....."

"So YOU plan on dating this year?

"We're in High School Hun, I can date whoever, when ever I want! If a boy asks you out take it, that may be all you can get this year...."

Suddenly as fast as she came up to me she struts away in her JImmy-Choo heels.

Amanda is such a drama queen, rich brat, and spoiled baby.  She thinks she's perfect because she hit puberty in grade 4 and because her Daddy pays for her to get new hair styles and stuff but not to fix her crooked teeth.

I walk alone down the hallway in the 2 hour Freshman period which each year the school gives so, well, Freshman find every classroom. But after circling around the school twice I still have an hour and a half left. That's when I see it, the pink and purple stalls, couches, chairs, and sinks; the perfect bathroom.

"Hello??" I walk in slowly to smell fresh lavender fill my notrils.

Quickly as I hear the sound of shoes passed I sit down on the black leather couch and I stare up at the black roof.

"Did you hear about that Loser Amanda?" Asks Sofia.

"She still thinks I'm her "friend"!" Laughs Amanda.

"You should just tell her that she's a loser and a loner forever instead of giving her help to get a boyfriend!"

I watch as they walk in passed the couches and the chairs and into the stalls. Quietly I move the couch forward and I hide behind it slowly.

"You shoulden't have done that A!"

"I know...." Grumbles Amanda. "But have you ever just thought about what could happen if she could become pretty?"

"I know...but when is that ever going to happen?" Giggles Sofia.

The both walk out of the stalls and over to the mirrors. As they turn on the sinks I move under the couch so I can hear them better.

"This bathroom is super the rest!" Amanda sneers when applying more lip gloss.

"I bet Loser Regina is in here watching us or crying in the stall!" Sofia laughs.

"I bet she makes a living out of the stall!"

"I bet her whole life revolves around the stall!"

"I bet she lives in the stall!"

Suddenly they both burst into the giggle fits as they both clutch their tight stomaches.

"Amanda! Sofia!" Screams Allyssa when running into the bathroom. "Pukey Patrica is barfing all over the gym again!"

The girls run around when laughing their heads off leaving me alone...and the stalls....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2013 ⏰

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