Emotional Equilibrium

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I think that our emotions are always constantly fighting for equilibrium.

There are times when we are so happy that we could jump to the moon.

When those moments exist, we will suddenly be shot with the feeling of deep sadness.

That's why some people are scared to be too happy; because they know that something bad is going to happen.

When you're too happy, sadness will be next. When you're too in love, hate will come after you and it will hurt. When you're too proud; you will be humbled through embarrassment. 

Those are contrasting emotions that we feel in life, constantly trying to balance each other.

But to me,

it's different.

I don't feel those emotions.

It's simple.

It's the reason I'm awake right now at 2 in the morning writing this.

It's either I feel

too much,





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