19. Spin...

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AN: finally updated!! Not edited, so apologies before hand. And hope you like the chapter! Read, Vote and Comment! :)

Jo's POV

Me and Jennie arrived at Katy's an hour late, Jennie had more clothes than a thrift shop! Seriously no girl needed that much clothes... Actually Jennie didn't need any but she didn't take too kindly to that idea for some reason.

What's wrong with strutting around in your birthday suit when you look that fine...

"You're late." was all that Katy said when she opened the door glaring at me, "I brought Jennie" I said, hoping the change of subject would stop the death glare...

Averting her eyes from me she noticed Jennie hiding behind me, her face breaking into a smile.

Jeez Katy, always the welcoming hostess.

"JENNIE! WELCOME! COME IN, COME IN! MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME" she cheered, pulling Jennie into an awkward hug that had me snickering behind them as Katy escorted her in, turning to glare at me once more.

"I'm still angry at you Josephine..."

"Shush!" I quickly covered Katy's mouth with my hand, so she has been drinking...


She glared at me mumbling words that couldn't be heard through the barrier. I turned to look at Jennie who was regarding us cautiously probably wondering what the hell was going on. "Um, I'm going to have a little word with our hostess, why don't you go get a drink? I'll come find you afterwards" I suggested.

Jennie still looked unsure but headed in the direction of the kitchen, once out of earshot I removed my hand from Katy's big mouth. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" I screamed at her.

She raised a hand at me, "thank you for allowing me to breath" she huffed ignoring my question completely.

"Katy." I said sternly, "What?!" she snapped.

"What the hell was that back there?!"

"You were late!"

"So?! People are always arriving late to your dos! What makes me so different?!"

"You're never late." she mumbled.

I sighed in frustration, "Katy, how much have you had to drink?" I asked, maybe her alcohol intake is making her irrational.

"Not that much..." Which means a lot.


"Just don't slip up again, I'm gonna go find Jennie" I sighed, leaving Katy standing by the door.

"She looks very pretty!" She yelled after me, I turned back around to face her "Who?"

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