She'll Never Know

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{Reid's point of view} It's a Saturday night and I'm at JJ and Will's house. They are having a small get together and the rest of the team is here with me. Everyone can tell I'm not in that great of mood, but no one knows why. The night drags on as I sit and watch the love of my life sit happily with her husband and son Henry. Why can't that be me? Why can't I be with JJ and have a wonderful son? I should've told JJ how I felt about her a long time ago but I didn't and that was the biggest mistake of my life. It's getting kind of late and I don't feel like being here much longer. I get up tell everyone I have to go. "Ah man! Stay a little longer." JJ says. "Sorry, I can't stay." I say and walk towards the door. Morgan follows me and grabs my shoulder. I turn around and he asks "Alright pretty boy, what's going on?" "Nothing, I'm just tired." "We both know that's not true kid." He says. "Look Derek, not tonight okay? Goodnight" Morgan walks away as I put on my coat and my shoes. Right before I leave, I stop and look at a picture of JJ on the wall. "I've always loved you." I whisper. I walk out the door and to my car unaware that Will had just secretly heard me confess my love for his wife.

{Will's point of view} What the hell was that? Did Spencer just say he loved my wife? I wonder if he knew I was standing there and heard him say he loved MY wife. Spencer is a nice guy and all, but I can't have someone thinking they have a shot with my wife. This can't happen. I won't let it.
{Reid's point of view} I went home and couldn't stop thinking about her. How pretty she is, how smart she is, everything, she's just amazing. I can't stop thinking about not confessing my love for her all those years ago. The biggest regret I have. I try to sleep that night, but I just can't. I lie awake all night.
{JJ's point of view} Everyone has left for the night. That was a fun night. "My teams great, huh honey?" I ask Will as we are getting ready for bed. "Uh yeah, they're awesome." He sounds distracted. "Everything okay Will?" "Um yeah, just tired I guess." He says. "Goodnight JJ, I love you" "Goodnight Will, I love you too" I turn off the light and go to sleep.

{Reid's point of view} It's Monday and I've got to back to work. I walk out of the elevator and towards my desk. "Hey Spence!" JJ says from behind me. I turn around and wave as to say hello back. I walk away and to the round table room to wait for the case presentation.
{Morgan's pov} As soon as Reid walked out the elevator I could tell something was still bugging him. Why won't he just tell me what's wrong? He acted kind of weird when JJ greeted him, could it be something she did? I'll get it out of him some way.
{Reid's pov} "Okay people looks like we are headed to Alabama," Garcia starts "3 murders in the past week. All kids ages 7 to 10. Strangled in they're homes when the parents weren't watching them." She continues but I'm too distracted to pay much attention. JJ looks extra pretty today and I can't stop looking at her. "Wheels up in 30" Hotch says and we all stand up. Morgan walks over to me and says "Are you going to tell me why you're so quite." "I'm not quite, I'm just not talking." I say. He smirks and laughs a bit and I walk out of the room.
{Morgan's pov} After Reid walked away from me, for the second time, JJ came up to me and said "What was that about?" "I'm not sure, he's probably fine." I say and we walk out.

{Reid's point of view} We're on the jet, talking about the case. I'm sitting in the corner, looking out the window, kind of distancing myself from the group. We go over the case a bit more. Hotch says "Morgan and Prentiss I want you to go to the morgue and figure out how he's strangling the kids. Me and Rossi will go talk to the parents and JJ and Reid I want you to go set up and go over victimology." Of course. I get put with JJ. I'm not mad, I'm just not sure I can handle being with her much longer before I do something stupid.
"Hey look at this." JJ says "These kids go to the same school." "That is weird. Good catch JJ." I say "I'll tell the team." We sit at the table and try to figure out who is doing this for the rest of the day. It's getting late and we are walking out together, we're done for the night and need the rest. She's about to get into her BAU car and she's turns to me and says "Well what are you waiting for? Get in." We drive to our hotel down the street. I'm quiet the whole drive and she can tell something bothering me. "Spence, is something wrong? You know you can tell me." She says with a smile. "Nothing's wrong." I mumble "Come on, I know you better than that." She says "But if you don't want to talk about it that's fine." I look at her and half smile, then stare out the window the rest of the way. When we get to the hotel, she says "Goodnight Spencer." That's it. I can't take it anymore and without thinking, I snap inside. There's no holding back. I quickly lean in close and kiss her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2013 ⏰

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