~Naughty~ 3

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"Hooker face... Hello?" I open my eyes to Luna standing above me, with a devlish smile on her lips. "Oh good, you're awake."

Yeah, I am now. Thanks to your crazy ass.

I sit up and rub a hand over my face. "What is it, Luna? I'm trying to sleep."

She walks over to my closet and starts throwing clothes around. "Get up. We're going out tonight," she replies to me then sits down on the ground and searches through the pile of clothes that she just made.

No no no... Sleep, I need sleep.

I pull the blanket over my head. "Oh, no... no, we're not going out."

Maybe if I close my eyes, she will go away. I think as I immediately close my eyes and count to ten, just to open them and see Luna still going through my clothes like a crazy person. "I'm tired, and really not in the mood to go out. I'm not going, now leave me alone before I smother you with my pillow," I threaten her.

She runs over to the bed and throws a dress at my face. "Oh, yes you are, my love. I don't care if I have to drag your ass out of this bed; now put the damn dress on," she commands me as she proceeds to pull her shirt off then throws on one of my favorite red shirts. Then she points at the dress. "Get dressed now, or I'll sit in here all night and talk about the sexy single dads that we work for. By the way, I am meeting Liam's dad at the party."

Okay, I'll go, and then when she's busy, I will run away as fast as I can and go home to my bed. Sounds like a plan.

I jump out of bed and grab the little yellow dress that hit me in the eye. "Fine, I will go, but we're not staying late. Tristin is getting dropped off in the morning; I need energy to handle his hyperness."

Luna grabs my shirt and starts pulling it off. I hit her in the side to make her stop. "Hurry up, sweet cakes... hurry!" She looks at me with a smile forming on her lips. "You want to look good for Kale in the morning, don't you? I saw the way you were eyeing him like he was a piece of candy to suck on. You need your beauty rest?" she teases then starts flipping her hair all around and making faces. "Oh, and next time a hot guy comes over, try not to wear your food. That's embarrassing for me."

I pull the dress over my head and try to hide my smile. "No, Luna... I... told you, I'm not messing around with any parents, or uncles." I struggle to get the dress down over my curves. Dang dress, work with me!

She looks me up and down and whistles. "I'm sure you will cave in soon. Kale is perfect, that boy even makes me nervous. You know, I'm never nervous around guys."

Yeah, the whole world knows. I love her to death, but she sleeps around too much. It makes me nervous. She knows that she can get any guy that she wants, and believe me, she wants a lot of guys.

I slip on my black shoes and grab the keys to my black 2009 Sebring. "I'm driving." I don't trust her with my life. She can't even walk straight.

"Good, because I might not be coming home tonight," she announces, giving me a devlish grin.

Maybe I should put a leash on her. You know like those parents that put leashes on their kids. Would that be weird?


When we arrive at the party, I look around and instantly get a headache. I swear, I never get any peace and quiet.

Luna grabs my arm and pulls me through the house. Everyone stares at us as she practically drags me around. When we get outside to the back, I snatch my arm back. "Ouch, woman, take it easy!"

She winks at me and starts dancing. "Oh, you know you like it rough, kitty," she purrs, growling at me then grabs a drink off of a nearby table. She takes a sip and then shoves it in my hand. "Drink up, my love."

I've been a very bad babysitter (Old and unedited) 2013Where stories live. Discover now