Catching Fire.

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Normal. That is a word i can not use to describe myself, my life or anything about me. My name is Sage Barly and I am not the ordinary teenager.

when i was young my first word was fire and from then on, I was odsessed. When i was around two i found my dads lighter just laying around -he could have been more careful...-  and i began playing with it. It wasn't long after that, my parents decided i was alittle two obsessed and tried to keep me as far away from fire and anything of that sort as possible.

When i was around five i was laying around on my bed, bored out of my mind, when i got this strange peirsing burning feeling in my feet when i tried to get up i realized i couldn't move and i could only lay there and let the burning feeling consume me. I began screaming not that anyone would come, and ever so slowly, and painfully, the feeling creeped up my body untill it felt as if my whole body was on fire. When the feeling finnally left my body my body was still red from where the inside had been buning. Later on in my life i figured out that the inside of my body had litterally been on fire, trying to hold back the fie and keep me from burning the enire house down.

Somewhere along theline when i was about 10 or eleven, some kid i knew ticked me off and the burning sensation came back only this time i wasn't paralyzed and i welcomed the feeling instead of fighting it. I was so ticked off that fire came out of my hands the had been in fists at my sides and i held up my hand to the kids face and after that it got kinda bad, so i'll spare you the detail.

Now, i am sixteen and i still can't control my temper but i am now at a special private school that i now must call home untill i fully understand how to control my powers. I am suposed to live here for possibly the rest of my life depending on how long i take to learn all of this crap, which might take until i am like 47 years old. which is the only reason i am studying so hard so maybe i will get done with this by the time i am like 20 thats a long shot but still might as wel try right? right.

I fnnally go to sleep at 1:00 A.M. and i was still asleep at 7:30 A.M.


Awakening in annoyence from the acursed beeping noise, that reminded me of someone cussing on a filtered TV show, I threw a fire-ball about the size of my fist at the clock which made it fly in a flaming clock shaped ball toward the other side of my room. Luckily my room mate Jason ducked before the fire-ball crashed into his head full of dirty blonde hair and making him catch on fire.

"Watch it you could have taken my head off with that!" Jason chuckled walking to his bed and throwing a pillow at my face.

"AWAKEN MY PEOPLES!" One of our best friends Sam-samantha- screamed opening our door her eyes widened at the side of the wall that was singed now. "Sageeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" She giggled comming over and wacking me upside the head. "Stop hurting technology!" She sighed picking up the now singed alarm clock.

"I'M SORRY!" I screamed in my creepy voice i ran over to Sam and took the alarm clock from her and began stroking it gently. "I'm so sorry technology can you ever forgive me?!" I said in my fake crying voice.

 Jason smirked and changed shirts.

"I know it's hard but try to keep your shirt on while i'm in the room." Sam smirked walking over to him and punching his chest playfully.

Jason glared down at her, her short blonde hair flopping laziy infront of her eyes.

"Nice one." i smirked walking over and picking her up like a potao sack and thowing her onto a chair.

"Ah!" she muttered sitting up and glareing at me as i walked into the bathroom


"I am back!"

"WHOO! now we can get some food cause i am hungreh!"

"is that all you care about Sam?" I chuckled walking to the door, and putting my hand on the door.

"No...i care about shooting rocks, air, fire, and water at people and telling people to die in a hole and-"

I cut her off there, "Okay okay!" i chuckled opening the door and running into the hallway. "Race ya!"

"Bring it!"

"Last there has to buy!"

I raced down the all ahead of both of them, then Sam flew by me and i mean litterally flew air was coming out of her feet and she was  using it to go faster.

"No fair!"

"Tottally fair."

I sped up i at least had to beat Jason he was rich and i wasn't so much but i was alright, i guess it was only fair for Sam to win, she came from a poor family and mine was around medium class now you see i can be friends with any social class...well except for maybe the preppy ones you know the ones that brag about how rich they are and such luckily i didn't get with one of those jackasses...

Finnally we got into the huge dinning room, Sam was already there and i was the second. "Yeah-us!" i shouted pointing at Jason, he glared at me and we all walked to the line and when we had finnally  gotten done there was no more room for anything on me and Sams tray things, i loved the fact that this place works like a middle school.

"That's be....70 dollars for al of that now who is paying this time?"

Sam and i both looked at Jason and he reached into his pocket, "Oh alright!"

when we finnally sat down at one of the large tables Sam and i chowed down and Jason ate more slowly he clearly wasn't as hungry.

"So what are we gonna do this weekend?"

"Ummm, well i don't know there is alot to do on campus..."

"Yeah i guess we'll just hang out...."

"And sleep in!"

Jason and Sam both looked at me and they both bursted out laughing. "Yes Sage and sleep in." Sam giggled.

"So it's settled then nothing special."

"Agreed!" We all said.

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