I think i love you?!

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I am not strong,
But I will never be weak,
I am not brave,
But I'm no coward,
I will never be your hero,
Never will I love you,
But someone does,
don't push people away to only hurt yourself in return,
They will find you,
And love you more than I,

"Heroes only exist in fairy tales"- a lie told to me as a young child. Heroes exist in every person, but only sometimes do people see, what that hero means to them. In what way they have shaped their lives, and sacrifices that have been made for the pleasure and comfort of a close friend/crush/family member. Secrets that have been kept simply by pinky promising or a code unbroken throughout childhood and carried into adulthood amongst the teenage years, driven by passion and hormones (along with a few mistakes of a drunken fling). But all this is normal, well at least for me, the #supersecret dens hidden amongst foliage of the thorn infested woods only 5 minutes away. The boiling summer spent in the river catching fish with a net to flaunt to your hearts content on how much bigger yours is compared to your friends (mine were short and fat whilst my friends was long and slender) . All this is a normal weekend, a walk along the river banks and shorelines, pointing out every rock pool in sight and attempting to grab that one large crab without getting pinched by the (+1) claws. My hero. I don't have one, I have many, everybody who ever dared speak to me (the little shit) about their problems, or shared memories of happiness and joy. Maybe I am your hero (your idol) for the same reasons or a deep conversation followed by my awful puns (JELLY). Or the punching bag to all your thoughts and emotions. The truth is I may never know the answer to most my questions but I can tell you (you know who you are) you are all my heroes and I admire you all to Pluto around the universe twice and back. Your lives are harder than mine but I probably complain the most and this is my way of basically saying thanks for being there when I moan about my life and forget about others hardships. I am an ungrateful shit(bae) at times but I love you all.

The end?

P.s you better had cried

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