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Please do not copy this story, it is my story. I do not own the vampire diaries, all characters from the vampire diaries belong to L.J. Smith and Julie Plec.

This story will take place in season 7 of the vampire diaries, although you will notice that I have changed some aspects of the plot.

Thank you.



The voice in my head told me to stop, that I was going to kill her. But I couldn't stop. The thirst consumed me, controlled me. I drank until there was nothing left to drink, long past her body had gone limp.

I stepped back, her body falling to the ground, her blood dripping down my chin. Then it hit me. I had killed her. I had killed my own best friend.

A twisting ache filled my chest, my heart tightened and tears blurred my eyes. She was gone. She was dead. All because of me, of what I had become.

I was a monster.

I looked up to the sky. The moon was bright against the black of night, the stars twinkled like a billion candles in the sky. A billion stars to wish upon.

I wished I had never waken up this way. I wished I'd never come to talk to Annette. I wished I'd been able to control my bloodlust. I wished I didn't lust for blood. I wished I hadn't become this monster that I've become.

I wiped the blood from my face, the crimson liquid staining my hands. It was an image that I knew I'd never be able to shake from my mind. It would haunt me for as long as I lived.

I bit back tears as I looked down at her body. Pale. Limp. Lifeless. I stared for a long moment, the tears fighting their way out, streaming down my face, burning like acid in my eyes.

Then I ran. Past my house on the outskirts of town. Past the Mystic Falls borders. Past anything even vaguely familiar to me. Away. I just ran away.

I didn't stop to see anyone else. I didn't go home to say goodbye to my brothers. I couldn't risk it. I wouldn't harm my brothers, even if it meant that I'd never see them again.

They'd be sad. They'd search for me. They'd miss me. They'd mourn me. Perhaps they'd even cry for me. But they'd be alive. And one day, they'd move on.

I'd be only a distant memory, a story to tell. Another name lost in the dust, buried deep in history. Forgotten ten years from now.

They'd forget me. But I wouldn't forget them. And I wouldn't forget who I was. I promised myself that.

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