Hunters Can Be Hunted | Two

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My body was perfect for hunting, thin and athletic, I swiftly dart from tree to tree, the brown waves of my hair like soft silk to the hand, scattered along my back billowing along in the breeze, my eyes cold a frozen glacier swirling in the storm searching for it next victim, my golden olive skin glowed in the sunlight, my legs are long and slender packed with muscle from climbing the rock face of a mountain, I was singing soft and enchanting, a siren of a voice, a smile graced her face almost every second of the day. Blinking my eyelashes long and full, flittered down then up....

....Movement, I froze immediately, and sank down behind a tree and breathe out a whisper of a breath. I draw out one of my daggers painstakingly slow, I lean in on the rough bark of the trunk and creep my face around the bend. I examine the young stag, and took aim for the bottom of the eye socket where the weaker bone was. I had already let go of the dagger, when I hear a some leaves crunch, I cry out in pain when I feel rows of teeth sink into my thigh, I grab my other dagger a slash at the mutt, the blade catches its face.

"Run" I croaked out in a pleading voice over to where my sister was hiding in the hollow of a tree, she looked at me with wide eyes, staring at the animal that had just been attached to my thigh, who was snarling at me, "Run!" I pleaded with urgency, Cory sprinted towards our meeting place which was about just over half a mile from my current location and and about half a mile further is our home.

It went suddenly very quiet, a pin could drop on the pine needles and I would be able to hear it, the forest seemed dark and brooding, almost as if it enjoyed my pain. Limping to a different tree about 200m west, collapsing to the forest floor behind the large tree trunk, my breathing was shallow and raspy, the pain in my leg was almost unbearable, a distorted growl came from behind me, I silence my breathing at once and clench my jaw, listening in onto where the growl came from.

A muzzle creeped around the curved edge of the the trunk, the face filled with serrated rows of talon like teeth, lips pulled back in a vicious snarl, his own blood dripping from his muzzle and teeth from the gash I gave him. I flattened myself against the bark of the tree, my eyes dart around the forest looking anything within arms length, I grab a pointed edged rock and brandi it at the the wolf's gash, hitting in square above his eye brow, it yelped and pawed at his temple, I take my chance and lunge at the wolf and and snap his neck.

Cory the wolf's dead you come back now. "haha yeah about that." she said sheepishly rubbing the back of her neck, appearing out of no where from behind one of the trees, "Really Cory, really?" I chuckled, "you know thats was quite a close one right Scar?" Cory says in a warning tone. "But you know that I can handle it though," I said pointedly, gesturing to the puncture wound on my thigh, she grimaces.

I chuckled, "My daggers?" she passes me my dagger, I put one in my boot, and the other hidden at the back of my leather pants there was a sheath. I grabbed the body of the wolf and lugged it onto my back. "Let's go share our prize then aye?" I asked, "aye, let's," Cory replied.

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