The accident - Chapter 1

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Marinette's Pov.
I set a alarm for 6 in the morning so I wouldn't be late, but the alarm never works. I always sleep in.

"Marinette, wake up, your going to be late" Tikki tried to wake me up but I couldn't even open my eyes. I had a rough night saving Paris like usual.

"Can't I sleep in longer" I said slowly perking my head up.

"No Marinette! It's 9:00! Wake up!" Tikki yelled

I jumped out of bed looking at my clock. Oh no, I'm going to be late again!
I ran out of the bakery and headed straight for the school. When I got there I was surprised to see that I still had 5 minutes until class started. Wow I actually made it in time.

"Hi Marinette" I heard from someone in front of me, the voice sounded familiar, it was Adrien!

"Oh - uh- h-hi - adri- adrien" I studderd.

Adriens Pov.

"Hi Marinette" I said, she looks really tired today, I wonder what's been happening to make her soo tired every morning. It's like she has a second life.

"Oh - uh- h-hi - adri- adrien" she studderd, it's sorta cute when she does that, I think she might have a crush on me.... cute.
Class is about to start. I'm going to ask Alya about Marinette at lunch.

(Lunch break)

"Hey Alya, I need to ask you something" I said. I'm glad Marinette isn't around right now.

"What is it?" Alya asked.

"Well, I didn't want to ask this but, does Marinette like me? She's so shy around me."

I seen that Aya had a blank face on her, it's like she's hiding something, but I guess she wants to keep it a secret.

"Well, you don't have to tell me, it's just I wanted to know, I will see you later" I said as I started walking away.

"Wait...wait..she.. she does, but... oh god I'm a bad friend, she didn't want me to tell you, but since you asked." Alya said sadly. She seemed like she betrayed her best friend. I feel bad for asking now.

(The end of the day)

Marinette's Pov.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" I said in shock.

"I told him you liked him..... he asked..." Alya said frightened.

"Sorry" she added.

We were walking home in the rain, I can't believe she would tell him....and why would he even ask? Maybe he likes me! Maybe not....

When I was about to say something back to Alya, I heard a thump from a allyway right by us. I then seen a shape shifting animal come out.
"Run Alya!" I screamed.
I ran behind a car making sure Alya doesn't see me run there.

"Tikki, transform!" I yelled
I seen Chatnoir run up to me.
" hey mylady... what a prrrfect night, isn't it?" He said to me, as usual I just role my eyes, Chat is cute but he's my partner, and I don't know what I would do If I ever liked him more then a friend.

"Chat, no time to flirt, we have to get the akuma" we chased the akuma to my home, I wonder why he went there.
"Oh, why is he at my princesses home?" Hearing him say that made me why! Why am I blushing!?

The akuma grabbed me, I couldn't move!

Adrien's Pov.
"No!" I yelled, she was trapped in the hands of a monkey right by a's not the weirdest thing I've seen. I hit the akuma and nocked ladybug out of his hands.

I went to go catch her but I slip, she lands on me and WE KISS! At least It was a soft landing for her. We kissed for a good 3 seconds!

Marinette's Pov.
Omg! I just kissed Chat! This was a complete accident, oh no, I hope he doesn't think that I did it on purpose. Oh no what so I do!
I sit up and look at Chat

"Sorry..." I said, hoping he knew it was a accident.

"It's ok, I know it was a accident" he ran off to find do the akuma.
I felt bad, I know Chat likes me but I like Adrien.

I run off to find Chat to hug him.

(I hope you enjoyed, this is my first fan fic, this is chapter 1, the are going to be more, comment if you enjoyed and give me feesback)

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