*You and Them...*

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[Chapter 1]: You and your Auntie..no one else

*I see no changes i wake up in the morning and i ask myself is life worth living should i blast myself*

Your alarm goes off reminding you about the memories in the past and how this part sticks to you...you begun to drag yourself out of bed into the bathroom and proceed to do your hygiene routine . Your outfit is a black high low shirt that has MSFTS on it in white bold letters, black leggings ,and black Dr.Martins. Your hair is down (naturally curly) with a white bow to the side. You start to walk downstairs looking for sonething to eat.



Auntie: Try not to stress over you know

You: (sighs) I'll try but i gotta go

Auntie:Bye love you

*Your thoughts as you grab your skate board and headout(yep you skate)*

Ughh how i miss hearing those words but its whatever if they dont love me oh well there loss,they didnt care about me at all so fvck it im done I do me and only me no one will stop ne im independent when it comes to family but why do I have to go to school I hate it all the teachers do is talk and I would have (the class you hate the most) first..fml let me just go to my locker and get this over with.

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