WWE: Road To Wrestlemania 5

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Lilian: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome... *waits*

Kim: *music hits*

Fans: *cheers*

Kim: *walks onto the ramp and stops there*

Fans: *cheers louder*

Kim: *smiles and heads down to the ring*

JBL: Well if it isn't Kim. Didn't she just leave this company yesterday?

Cole: John, it's been 5 years since Kim left. This is her first day back, welcome her. *claps for kim*

Kim: *gets in the ring* Well hello WWE. *smiles* It's been a minute since I was last in this ring with you guys. You don't know how good it feels to be in this very ring again. Five years later, who would ever thought I'll stand foot in this ring again. I must say, it feels good to be here tonight.

Fans: *cheers*

Kim: But that's not the reason why I'm here. As you all know, and it's no secret that Brie Bella is retiring after Wrestlemania. So Brie, come on out here and let's talk.

Brie: *music hits and heads out to the ring*

Kim: Brie, retiring is not easy at all. And I know you're doing it for Bryan and what's best for the two of you. Leaving the WWE won't be easy, let me tell you that now, but come Wrestlemania, I know you will leave one hell of a great legacy to the WWE and the Divas revolution.

Brie: You know Kim, never had I thought this day would come. But with you here, standing next to me gives me more relieve. Knowing that you're a retired WWE Diva, a 5 times WWE Divas champion, and longest reigning Divas champion...

Lana: *comes out*

Brie: *looks at the ramp* What do you want Lana!

Lana: *laughs* You see Brie, you're not a great fighter like your sister Nikki that's why you haven't been champion for a while. *laughs* But that's not my problem, you see Brie, you wouldn't be here still if it wasn't for your marriage with that goat face husband of yours.

Brie: Goat face! At least he isn't hairy like yours.

Lana: *gets upset*

Kim: Girls, ladies, I mean, why are we fighting? What is it that you want Lana?

Lana: In two weeks, Wrestlemania 39. Brie, I want to challenge you to a match at Wrestlemania.

Brie: *smiles* You want to challenge me to a match at Wrestlemania? *laughs* Lana, when you get in this ring one on one with me, your career will be over.

Lana: *laughs* At least I'm not the one that's gonna be leaving Wrestlemania retired as a loser.

Brie: You know what! Fine! You and I at Wrestlemania! *music plays*

Lana: *smiles and heads to the back*

Brie: *celebrates in the ring*

Kim: *celebrates with brie and heads to the back*

RAW: *goes onto commercial*

Kim: *walking backstage with brie*

Brie: I can't believe you're here, it's been so long Kim.

Kim: I know right, I miss you guys, I miss this place, this company, everyone.

Brie: Well I'm just glad to see you here and see that you're doing great.

Kim: *sees dean* Oh, I'm awesome alright Brianna. *smiles and chuckles*

Brie: *chuckles*

Dean: Hey, welcome back babe. *smiles*

WWE: Road To Wrestlemania 5Where stories live. Discover now