Character Profiles

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Heyyy!!! So here is the latest story idea I had. I'm really nervous about this story so I hope you all enjoy it. Please leave comments because it'll help me know if you guys want me to continue this or not. It's actually going to have a lot of pairings in it, involving the 1D members, but the main pairings will be Zayn centric, because as you know, I love Zayn!!

It's going to be a 'coming soon' story because I've already got 4 other stories and I want to finish at least one of them completely before I even consider starting on this one, but I got too excited and I wanted to post this idea and the character profiles to see how much of a review it'll get. I may even change the title because i'm not sure if it is good or not.

Also, at the end, I haven't decided for definite, but it may be you guys who choose the end pairing of the story, so you'll get to choose whether it ends in Zarry, Ziall, Ziam or Zouis, but I'll give you guys more information about that later!! Enjoy :)

So here are the boys:

Zayn Malik (18) - He's an intelligent, shy, selfless boy who would do anything for his family, would do anything for anyone really. He needs the money for his mum who is struggling with money and is a single parent to him and his sisters. He is a talented artist, but art doesn't pay a lot of money.

Niall Horan (20) - A guy with the complete bad boy package; he smokes, gets into fights and is feared by many. He needs the money to get out of the alleyway he's currently living in, literally. He is a talented guitarist, but he doesn't have the confidence to go up on a stage, despite his bad boy attitude.

Harry Styles (20) - Happy-go-lucky and sweet, some would say almost perfect. He's a boy who's main aim is to make a few good friends in the house, although a bit of money wouldn't do any harm. He is also a very good cook.

Liam Payne (21) - A sassy, funny boy who acts like a drama queen most of the time, but he can also whip people into shape easily. He needs the money to get away from his family, so he can travel the world. He is very good at making videos but he would rather travel the world.

Louis Tomlinson (22) - A flirtatious, charming boy who knows how to get what he wants. He wants the money to start up his own business so he doesn't have to keep relying on his family's money. He's ambitious and wants to create his own beauty range.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2013 ⏰

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Chemical Personalities [Zarry/Ziall/Ziam/Zouis]Where stories live. Discover now