Smile Dog

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I was surfing the internet when I found an image called ‘smile.jpg’. It looked a bit freaky, with the teeth and the bloody hand, but overall it wasn’t too scary, even with the Creepypasta. It was just another scary story to tell my friends. Then the things started.

First my father was involved in a car accident. They said he swerved to try to avoid a dog, and fell off a freeway. Why a dog was on the freeway they didn’t know, but they knew that the dog just vanished without a trace – completely disappeared. My father died two days later from brain death. I cried myself to sleep on that day. I had a terrible dream where ‘smile dog’ I think he’s called, attacked my father and nibbled at his rotting corpse.

The next day I had to go to school. We had double maths – I usually liked it but my mind was so messed up it couldn’t concentrate. I told my maths teacher that my father had died, and he said I should get the next few days off and he would ask the headmaster about it. Then I noticed in the window behind my maths teacher – a Siberian husky, identical to the one in smile.jpg. It opened its mouth, showing human teeth. I screamed, and suddenly the ground rushed up to me.

I awoke in the school medical room. The nurse there asked me how I was. I tried to reply but my mouth wouldn’t respond, so I just shook my head. I was sent home, and I felt ill so I went to bed. I watched some TV, and then I saw it. In blood, on my window, were the words “Spread the Word.” I jumped, but then I ignored it and watched some more TV. I was watching the climax of a film when the power went out. I decided to get some sleep, so I curled into the classic fetal position and slept.

That night I had the weirdest dream. And the scariest.

I was just standing there, and I saw the image of smile dog – just like that woman in the Smile Dog Creepypasta described her dreams. The dog whispered, “I am smile dog. You will spread the word – by showing the image to someone else. If you don’t, terrible things will happen to you.” Then the image faded away, and I saw my sister get decapitated. Her headless body said, “Won’t you spread the word?” In a distorted tone, before screaming. Then I woke up, and saw the alarm clock show 6:66 in red letters before going to the normal time, 7:32. That sent a shiver down my spine.

I didn’t have to go to school (because my father died), so I made myself breakfast and dressed myself into some more casual clothes. I had a feeling that my dream was right, that my sister would die today...

I shrugged the feeling off, and left home. I saw some girls walking to school, and one of them walked up to me. “Hi,” she said, “Why are you dressed in those clothes? It’s school today, you know.” “My father died,” I replied, “So I get a few days off from school.” I continued walking with her in the direction of school, when I saw smile dog again. “I need to go,” I said to the girl, and ran after smile dog.

The dog noticed me, and sprinted off. Being unfit, I got exhausted after 100 metres, and I stopped running to take a rest. I saw smile dog just disappear, like a corpse vanishing in a video game. I put my hands over my head and screamed “Noooooooooo...” until my lungs ran out of air. I strolled back home, and fell onto the sofa. I took a nap, but was woken up by the sound of a phone ringing. It was 2:37, and my mother wasn’t in the house. I answered the phone and was surprised it was my mother. “Henry,” she said, “I have some news for you.” I guessed what it was before she said it. “Your sister has died,” she continued, sobbing. “She was leaving school to get lunch when a car hit her. She stood up on the car’s roof, only for the car to go into the tunnel and-” her voice was cut off by a loud, buzzing tone and then the words, “Spread the word, Henry. I told you terrible things would happen. You brought this upon yourself.”

I called 112 and told the police that some dog was killing my family. They said they thought there was a connection between the two deaths in my family, and came to my house. I told them everything. I told them about the dog on the freeway, the Creepypasta, and showed them the image. The last bit filled me with relief – I had spread the word! I had a peaceful dream that night, with no smile dog.

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