A new chapter...

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So, today I decided. 

I'm starting over, starting new.

No more problems with ex's and their lover/bestfriend.

I want a new life. 

One where people don't treat me like shit, just cause they can.

One where people are actually who they say they are.

One where I don't have to pretend that I'm okay all the time.

Cause in all honesty, is anyone ever really okay. There is always something wrong, isn't there. 

Behind my smiles, there is pain. Behind my laughter, I am hurting. 

Don't think you know me, or what I've been through. Do not tell me "everything will be okay" that's a load of bullshit and everyone knows it. 

Things don't get better for everyone, sometimes you get hurt and you keep hurting. There is no "better" for those people. 

So starting today, I'm going to speak my mind. I'm actually going to tell the guy I'm crushing on, that I'm crushing on them. I might even leave my house today. 

Go good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor.

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