Gerald and his bear problems

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One morning, Gerald the bear was wandering the forest to try to find a friend. After a while, he runs into dipper the rabbit.

¨Hello, dipper,¨ Gerald greets the rabbit, ¨would you like to be my friend?

¨Who are you? I am just a rabbit! Don't eat me!¨ Dipper shouts in terror.

¨But, I don't eat rabbits...¨ Gerald states as dipper hops away, in panic.

Gerald was disappointed that he didn't make friends with dipper, but he kept walking, and he approached Mabel the deer.

¨greetings, mabel,¨ Gerald acknowledged the creature. ¨do YOU wanna be my friend?¨

¨Who are you? How do you know my name? You're some sort of stalker! FREAK!¨ mabel the deer shouted, fearfully.

¨No, wait! I just want a friend!" Gerald cried. But it was too late. Mabel darted in the depths of the woods, to talk about her weird event to her brother, Dipper.

I didn't think i was that much of a scary guy, Gerald thought. All i want is a single friend.

Gerald headed into the opposite direction of the forest, into the city. He stumbles around in the sidewalk. the usual, he thought, ducking under tranquilizer darts, seeing little kids flee behind their parents, and cars driving away from me. Suddenly, he runs into a girl.

¨Hello,¨ Gerald approaches the girl. ¨Are you gonna run away from me?¨

All of a sudden, the girl and the bear hear shrieks of ¨Run!¨ ¨Get inside!¨ ¨You can hide inside my apartment!¨

The girl boldly replies ¨I'm not a scaredy cat, unlike all of YOU PEOPLE!!!¨ You could hear her screams from another planet.

¨Anyway, hello. i'm Tiff, and no, I'm not gonna run away!¨ She responded to the bears question. ¨I WAS gonna go to school, but I think it is cancelled because a massive bear is wandering in the city.¨ she explained. ¨are YOU going anywhere?¨

"Well, I wouldn't be here if any of the forest animals didn't fear me because I'm a bear." Gerald sighed.

"You don't look too scary to me." Tiff remarked.

Tiff and Gerald hung out for the rest of the day. Tiff introduced Gerald to Wifi and YouTube, and Gerald showed Tiff what berries in the woods are good and what ones kill you, and how to catch fish with your mouth!

_appearances can often be deceiving_

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2016 ⏰

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