The Divide

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I tapped my pencil on the edge of my notebook, as the teacher went on about an important part in history; The Divide. You see, one hundred and forty seven years ago a great war took place between the men and the women. During the war both sides came to an agreement; to divide. Men on one side of the world, women on the other. That's how the divide happened. Even though no one know exactly what happened or why, there are a lot of theories, but I didn't pay much attention in class so I don't know what the theories are, but I still passed history class.

Babies? Right, once every three months, four million men and women over the age of 30 are chosen to, well, have a kid. Three million may sound like a lot but there are 6 billion people on earth. Once the baby is born, if its a boy the baby will go with its father, and a girl with her mother. Everyone prays they aren't chosen because, I mean who would want to 'interact' with a boy. Just the thought of that makes me shudder.

I heard that boys are revolting. That they used to yell and hit us, and they expect us to do all the work. Well that's what they teach us anyway.

I turned my attention back to the class, when I heard my name, "Ivy Flores," my teacher, Ms. Kipp called, "Can you tell me where the our side begins and ends?"

Luckily I knew the answer, "It starts on the edge of India and ends on the west side of America," I said.

"Good, and what continent is in the middle?" Ms. Kipp stated. I could tell by her voice she didn't think I knew the answer.

I wanted to prove her wrong, "Australia," I said confidently, even though I wasn't quite sure I was right, my palms became sweaty as I waited for her to tell me wether I was right or wrong.

"Hmm, correct." She said, I sighed in relief. "Class as you know, we will be taking a trip to the boys side," Ms.Kipp said, the entire class groaned. "Yes, class I know it isn't the most exciting thing, but it is required that all 7th graders must spend a week with a group...Boys" she shuddered.

"Why is this required?" Margret asked.

"It is required because we don't want both sides to completely hate each other, its to show that we can somewhat get along," Ms.Kipp didn't sound all too happy that we had to do this.

"What school have we been matched up with?" I blurted out.

"Well, let me see," she said while rummaging through her papers, "Ahh here it is, we have been matched up with the 7th grade boys from Appleridge Middle School in New York City."

"Where will we be going?" Sami asked.

"The countries of Ireland, Taiwan, and the state of Hawaii, are set aside especially for this, you girls are going to Lihue, Hawaii," Ms. Kipp stated.

"What do you mean by 'set aside'?" Monica asked running her freshly manicured nails down the edge of the table.

"What I mean is that nobody lives there completely uninhabited, so we can do this little trip. But do not fret there are houses. Each group from each school will be split off into groups and each group is assigned a house to live in, okay enough questions, go home and pack, be here at 6am for your flight. And girls please try to be nice to the boys," Mrs. Kipp said gathering her things.

Sami, Nicole, and I walked home together. They are my best friends. I hope we are in the same house, I could stand being in a house with boys without them.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2013 ⏰

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