Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Hunger Games. This is a work of fan fiction, using characters from the Hunger Games world, which is trademarked by Suzanne Collins. All original characters are products of the author, as is the premise and plot. Copyright infringement is not intended and I make no money from this story. 


Tribute: Johanna Mason

District: 7

Weapon of choice: Axe

Tactic in the Arena: Play the weakling, and come out formidable


Her arms were crossed as she continued to listen to Lynx’s tirade about the scores that came out that night.

“What am I going to do with a 6, Johanna? You’re not making this easier for anyone, are you?” he said heatedly, as his red wig dangerously swayed on top of his head, threatening to fall off.

Johanna just glanced at one of her mentors, which was Piper Lenox. He was one of the few people that she could stand while she was around here. She didn’t even like the tribute that she was stuck with. Aaron was a stuck-up boy from the better part of District 7, and he had been moping around ever since the start of the competition. He didn’t think that he was supposed to be here. Since he was part of the wealthier families in District 7, he was entitled to not being a tribute.

He had never worked a day in his life. He didn’t grow up on the outskirts of the woods like she did. His family sold luxury food items in District 7. Johanna honestly found it stupid, considering not a lot of people could afford it. Somehow, his family stayed wealthy, and she never understood that.

The only reason why Johanna wasn’t hostile towards Piper was because he was a friend of her father’s. Piper would spend most of his time in their area, instead of staying in the Victor’s Village, or hanging around town to mingle with those better off.

Piper didn’t need to do anything anymore, since he was set for life. He had won his Hunger Games back when Johanna’s father was still eligible for the reaping. Still, he helped out with the lumber and taking down trees whenever her dad was working. Some nights, when there wasn’t work the next day, Piper would bring some beer pints so that he could have a chat with her dad.

Johanna got to sip a few times. At first, she didn’t like the taste. She had come to like the bitterness of it though, especially now, since coming to the Capitol.

Piper would always scold her for drinking, because by the time training came around, she would always do a half-assed job because of her hangover.

She never listened. All she did was go to the stations that didn’t require much physical work. Piper knew she was good with the axe, and she honestly couldn’t care less as to what the other tributes were doing.

The other mentor, Kim, didn’t seem to like her. Johanna didn’t like her either, so there wasn’t a lot to complain about.

“Why did I get stuck with such a whiny and weak tribute?” Lynx said to himself, muttering under his breath. He probably realized that no one was listening to him anymore. What was done was done, and Johanna couldn’t change her score anymore. A number was just a number. It didn’t guarantee the game.

Lynx eventually just gave up and went stomping out the door. No one cared, so it didn’t give the dramatic effect that he obviously wanted.

Piper sidled over next to Johanna and said, “I don’t get it, kid. How could you end up with a 6? I know you’re better than that.”

Johanna just shrugged. At best, she tolerated Piper. She was used to him around, but that was it. The only reason why she liked him was because he was the only one who didn’t get on her case for not trying. Ever since getting here, she had been unmotivated and indifferent.

 “What did you do in front of the Gamemakers?”

Johanna clenched her jaw. “I kind of just took an axe and started to split a few things that were there. I kind of had a headache, so my grip wasn’t steady. I accidentally dropped the axe one time.”

Piper looked like he didn’t know how to react anymore. “Well at least you didn’t get a 2, with the way you acted. You must’ve given a proper hit to whatever it was that you hit.”

Johanna yawned. “I don’t know. It doesn’t really matter anymore, does it? I mean, I’m probably not the one getting out of there alive. What’s the point?”

“If your father only heard that right now, he wouldn’t forgive you for saying it.”

“Yeah, well. My dad’s not around, so I guess I don’t have to worry about what he’s going to say about me, right?” she replied sardonically. “I just want to get back to my room, Piper. Just wake me up tomorrow when you want me to do more stuff that won’t help.”

Piper nodded, knowing that he obviously couldn’t get through with her. He had tried and failed miserably.

When Johanna got to her quarters, she didn’t bother getting changed or taking a shower. She went to her bed and just lay down, reflecting on her poor performance here. No proper Capitol citizen in the right mind would want to sponsor her.

She didn’t give them any good reason to. Johanna and Aaron were dressed as trees during the parade, and it didn’t look at all glamorous when it was their turn. Her score of 6 didn’t help her either. She was skinny, and had a plain face. To be honest, even she would admit that physically, she wasn’t memorable. During training, she acted sickly because of her hangovers, and she was pretty sure that the other tributes thought nothing of her.

No one really knew about her abilities with the axe. Piper was the only one that knew about it, and he had kept quiet about it. Johanna didn’t know what plan he was formulating in his mind, but she was grateful that he wasn’t bothering her too much by telling her to train better and hone her skills so that she wasn’t clumsy in the arena.

Her head was full of too many thoughts. The only one that finally got her to sleep was the thought of her dad, and how she probably wouldn’t see him again.

The thought of that just made her block out everything else, and she forced herself to sleep.


After several months, I finally had the courage to publish this next Hunger Games fan fiction. For those that liked Annie Cresta and Serena Elodea, I hope you enjoy this next one for you. Don't forget to vote and comment. This one's got me just as nervous as the first two have. 

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