First Movement

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Just a little Niam oneshot I thought up while bored and having a bit of writer's block. Some people take a walk or listen to music when they have writer's block. Me? I write more.

Niall's POV:

"Oh." I gasped quietly as my hand flew to my stomach. My pregnancy was beginning to show and, even though our stylist had tried to hide it with a baggy tank top, it was still very obvious.

"Ni? Everything OK?" Liam asked, coming forward to take my hand in his and rub soothing circles into my back. He'd given Louis his microphone quickly before coming forward and now Louis stood a few feet away looking between us and the extra microphone in his hand with a slightly confused look gracing his features.

"I think the baby just kicked." I announced quietly, forgetting that, because I play the guitar, I still had my microphone on my head, meaning this announcement echoed around the large arena as Liam started to smile brightly. I heard thousands of teenage girls screaming and cooing as the rest of the lads came forward too but I was focused on Liam as I took his hand and placed it on my bump just as our child kicked again.

"I felt it! Ni; that's our baby!" Liam exclaimed with such a happy laugh, smiling at me as I squeezed his hand gently. I just nodded quickly and laughed at his happiness as he kissed me lightly before pulling me into a tight hug.

"Can we feel it?" Louis asked with excitement clear in his voice as he jumped happily. Liam just nodded as he pulled away, walking behind me to rest his hands on my waist as the lads all piled in to feel the baby kicking.

"The miracle of life, everyone." Harry laughed, spreading his arm in our direction as I spun around to hug Liam again.

"I'm sure you'll all be happy to hear this is the first movement of the Niam baby; and you're all present for it." Louis exclaimed, still holding Liam's microphone.

"'s not the first time the baby's moved. It's the first time anyone else could fell it, but the baby's been moving for weeks now." I laughed, pulling away from Liam to look at Louis.

"What?! Why didn't you tell us?" Louis asked, clearly upset about not being told. I'd just figured they wouldn't want to know every little detail. I'd told Liam of course; he was the father, but I figured the others would just get annoyed if I told them ever time anything happened with the baby.

"Well, I just thought you wouldn't be interested, you know? I mean; do you really want to know every little thing that happens? I'm pretty sure you'll get fed up fairly quickly if I tell you any time anything happens to do with the pregnancy." I explained, leaning back on Liam who'd rapped his arms around my waist from behind and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Well, no.....but we'd like to be informed about things as important as the baby moving!" Louis exclaimed, glaring when Liam chuckled. "Not funny, Liam!" Louis shouted into Liam's microphone with a mischievous smirk, making Liam cringe and hiss slightly.

"Lou; that's mean." I laughed, taking Liam's microphone from him so he couldn't do more damage before turning to Liam, who was glaring at Louis halfheartedly.

"Guys; shouldn't we get back to, you know, singing now?" Zayn asked, gesturing out into the crowd of girls who were still jumping around and screaming at the top of their lungs.

"Yeah, that'd probably be best." Liam laughed as the opening line of 'One Thing' started to play and we all went our respective ways. For the rest of the concert though, Liam stayed by my side, grinning at me every time I took his hand to lay it across my stomach as the baby kicked, which got an audible reaction from the many screaming girls.

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