The Wedding

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The Wedding

"I don't know why you're so nervous," I murmured gently, wrapping my arms around his waist from behind. The floor-length mirror reflected our image.

There are no words to describe how amazing he looked. The navy suit was crease-less and fitted him like a glove, his black tie glinting underneath the chandelier.

He shrugged, grabbing one of my hands and pressing a kiss to my palm. "There hasn't been a wedding in the family for years."

After everything they had suffered, after everything they had had to endure, James and Melissa were finally getting married. I wasn't super-glued, joined-at-the-hip with either of them, but I respected and liked them from a distance. The way any girlfriend of a brother would.

I was invited anyway. It was common courtesy. And besides, the entire Ericson family felt like they owed me something, whatever that may be.

I'd gotten a glimpse of what the reception area was like, and already I was intimidated. People were filling in; all dressed exactly the same – floor-length gowns, expensive tuxedos, diamond jewelry. At least Vera was nice enough to get me a deep blue dress that flowed to the ground, slimming my waist and making me look elegant.

Nathan loved it. And if he loved it, then so did I.

He turned around so we faced each other, the sound of excited murmuring and soft music getting louder by the minute. The wedding was starting soon. Melissa was probably inside the limo now, hastily making last-minute preparations and trying to calm her nerves.

He held me by the waist, eyes light and unclouded. He looked so much better like this, unburdened by problems he shouldn't have to deal with. I stroked his cheek, loving the way he leaned in to me. "You look divine."

"Don't change the subject," I scolded him.

He smiled back, peppering kisses all over my fingertips. Warmth engulfed me, even at a time of chaos and 'wedding mania'. I knew Vera was outside; greeting every single guest that walked past, politely accepting his or her condolences for her late husband, desperately trying to make sure that everything went smoothly. I was under strict instructions that as soon as the bells struck, I was to leave the room immediately and take my seat with everyone else, letting the best man do his thing.

He sobered up, but only a little. "After everything that happened last year... My family needs this, Jess. We need something light and beautiful to happen to us."

I nodded, understanding perfectly. Pressing a light kiss on his mouth, and being very careful not to smudge my lip-gloss, I slowly stepped from his embrace and made my way to the door.

"Look around for me when you're up there. I'll be the one in blue," I grinned slyly at him, hearing the church bells across the hallway. I could hear the shuffling of feet and the tapping of heels as everyone made their way to the inside of the church. After one last look at Nathan – who winked just as the door closed – I blew out a large breath and went to join my mother and Glen.


The interior was stunning. Flowers hung from every corner of the room, and a small orchestra was situated on the far left, playing a blissful little melody as everyone chattered and took their seats. It soon became silent in the room, but it was the kind of peaceful silence that everyone embraced. The music played on.

 Glen leaned across to my mother and muttered, "This is pretty damn extravagant for a wedding."

"Hush," she whispered. "Just sit back and relax. Weddings are supposed to be magical ceremonies."

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