The Perfect Twin: Chapter One- My First Day

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  • Dedicated to you reading this right now! I LOVE YOU!

"Calliope hurry the fuck up we're going to be late!" I heard Matilda scream from downstairs, "I don't see how a smoky eye and the rest of the crap on your face is going to help you make a good impression on the first day back if you're going to be fifteen minutes late making that impression in the first place!"

Rolling my eyes, I chose to ignore her rude comments and quickly smear on some baby pink, MAC lipstick. As I admired my glamorous reflection in the mirror, my mind began to compare mine and Tilly's appearances. For identical twins we sure did look different. My hair was voluminous with golden highlights and blonde tips whereas hers was plain, flat and boring; my face was spotless and tanned whereas hers was pale and full of blemishes and, last but not least, I was easily a fabulous size 2 whereas she had to suck in every single part of her body and barely squeeze into a size 4. Ever since I came to live with my mum in America when I was fourteen, everyone would complement her on how I was so intelligent, so beautiful, so well behaved. Matilda on the other hand had been labelled 'the funny twin' ever since my arrival- no wonder she hated my guts.

"Callie I'm not pissing about! Mum wants to leave!" Matilda's annoying screech interrupted my chain of thoughts.

I quickly gathered my various folders, pens and notebooks together and threw them into my J. Crew bag before sprinting down our mahogany staircase and out the front door. Matilda was already in the front seat of Mum's brand new Aston Martin, scowling at me. I clambered into the back before apologising to Mum.

"Oh my gosh Mum I am so sorry!" I closed the car door allowing her to drive off, "I couldn't find my phone anywhere!"

"Bullshit," Matilda whispered quietly but not quite quiet enough.

"Tilly!" Mum shouted with a stern expression, "I told you I will not accept that kind of language!"

I flashed Matilda a quick smirk in the reflection of the car's mirror before quickly pulling out my phone to return one of Rosie's snapchats and send a flirty text message to Jake (despite the fact he had not returned my last seven). Boys had to be the most confusing thing on the planet. One minute they're making out with you at their best mate's end of year party and the next they're refusing to return your calls or answer any of your texts.

"Mum?" I spoke in a sickly sweet voice.

"Yes Sweetheart?"

"Can I please have a party tomorrow night while you're in Germany? Not too many people I promise!" I persuaded.

"Sure, not until too late though as you've got your school trip to London the next day and you don't want to be in a rush on your way to the airport."

Unsurprisingly, Matilda quickly took her chance to argue, "But Mom that's not fair! I asked you if I could have a party and you said no!"

"That's because you need to have friends to throw a party Matilda," I laughed.

"Callie, don't be mean to your sister!" Mum scowled, "And anyway Tilly, I said no because the last time I let you have a party the police caught one of your friends dealing drugs on the front porch! It was humiliating!"

I played on my phone for the next few minutes until Mum dropped us off outside the school gates and I finally got a chance to take a look at Matilda's outfit. South Beverly Private School had a reasonably strict uniform policy however the senior policy was slightly more lax: a white blouse, black skirt (no shorter than mid-thigh) or pants (not denim or anything like denim), sensible black shoes and an optional grey sweater or cardigan. However, Matilda had obviously decided these rules did not apply to her as she was wearing high-waisted skinny jeans, black vans and a grey hoodie.

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