I Don't Eat

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01: I Don't Eat

Dr. Day moved through the Cal Poly chemistry lab with precision, eliminating any remaining evidence of her presence over that past 8 months. It would be the last time she would be in the lab, her assignment was nearly complete. She had a few loose ends to tie up and she was ready to move on to a new "skin."

As she stepped out of the lab into the hallway she nearly collided with Dr. Saxe, a young faculty member. "Hello, Dr. Day." Dr. Saxe smiled warmly.

"Dr. Saxe." Dr. Day stared at Dr. Saxe, flat expression.

Dr. Saxe shifted nervously, subtly testing social waters. "So, a small group of us are meeting for drinks. Would you like to join us?"

Covered up in a lab coat, hidden behind glasses, dark hair pulled back, and with no makeup, her colleagues could still see that Dr. Day was quite attractive in an nerdy and unassuming way. Those who approached her were often surprised by her lack of awareness of her understated beauty and her socially awkward behavior. Her Emtional Quotient was relatively stunted, even more so than the average Ph.D. in chemistry. She tilted her head slightly, "I don't drink."

"Well, there's food too Dr. Day." Dr. Saxe grinned at her.

Dr. Day nodded, "I understand. I don't eat. With people."

Dr. Saxe started to chuckle but Dr. Day's eyes were unwavering and he realized she wasn't joking. "Oh, okay then. Maybe next time?"

"No, thank you." Dr. Day stepped past Dr. Saxe leaving him stunned.

It took months of reconnaissance and trust-building within the chemistry department at Cal Poly as "Dr. Sarah Day" before Jane was able to forward her operation. "Skinned" as a brilliant chemist, Jane's operation was coming quickly to an end. For over a year the government had been hearing the chatter of new technology that would soon come onto the market that would revolutionize biochemical warfare.

Once the black ops arm of the government discovered the origins of the research and technology, California Polytechnic State University, Jane was sent in to determine who was involved and eliminate the threat. Her recon led her to Dr. Jeffrey Mars's work. A chemist specializing in biomedical nano delivery systems. Jane discovered that Dr. Mars was developing a new technology that would revolutionize the delivery of weaponized biochemical pathogens using nanotechnology. He was selling his research to the highest bidder.

Even after she discovered his intent it took her two additional months to determine that he was the only threat to national security and had no accomplices working with him at Cal Poly. To be thorough she continued to gather data on his contacts. All of Dr. Mars's work was localized, encrypted, and secured. But, the government techs are exceptional and they issued all the necessary hardware and remote transmitters necessary. Jane discreetly placed all the tech within his office and computers. The end result revealed all the data and information they needed.

Two weeks prior the bodies of undocumented workers were found in a cargo container with all the chemical markers of Dr. Mars's work. He was going to be moving fast now that the human trials were underway. Recon was over, the US government couldn't risk the exchange of his information to foreign or domestic threats just to allow Jane more time to gather data on his contacts. She had run out of time.

Jane moved quickly and quietly in the small office. She began to systematically wipe out files from the office hard drive and cloud storage. After the initial deletions, she inserted a USB with a viral worm that was sure to destroy all the data beyond repair. The university technicians' only resolution would be to wipe clean all of the software related to the chemical research.

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