Chapter - 1

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My parents are such arses!  They bought new house in the middle of nowhere! They were on a vacation together and found this house, they told us that they 'loved it right away'. I don't think I will... It's too far away from my hometown where al my friends live, where I have been all my life, where I know everything and everybody. The worst thing about this all is... it's summer and we're in the middle of nowhere, without people, without school so I can't meet any new people... The only people I know here are my parents and brothers...


"We're almost there guys!" My mom says with excitement.

My oldest brother Jack and I look over to another with the same facial-expression: Annoyance.

"Can't wait..." He mumbles.

Jack is the oldest one in the family, He's 18 years old. After him comes me, I'm 17 years old. As last is my brother Ryan, he's 10 years. Jack and I look just like each other, we both have brown hair and light green eyes. Ryan has brown hair too only he has brown eyes, just like my father.

"Come on kids, you guys are going to love it! We have a big backyard and we own a big part of the woods where you can play at Ryan! Besides, this house is way bigger." My dad tells us while driving.

"What was wrong with our old house?" I ask them.

"Nothing sweetheart! But this one is so much better!" Does my mom tell me.

I look over at Jack and roll my eyes, again.

After driving aimlessly in the woods for another 30 minutes we finally arrived at an old wooden house.

This is it? This is the "dreamhouse?"

My brothers and I climb out of the car and look at our new house. I'm sure no one has been here over 85 years!

"Come one kids, lets get inside" My mom says with excitement.

We walk up the stairs to the door. My mom unlocks it and we walk inside. The inside of the house looks so much more different than the outside. The inside was beautiful and clean, just like it has never been left. The furniture and walls are a little old, but it was ok.

I follow the rest of the family into the kitchen that was next to the living room. The kitchen is huge!

"Come on Mary Iet me show you, your room." Says my mom.

I follow my mom into a long and small hallway with a lot of doors in it. We pass a couple of doors and we stop by the last door. My mom opens it and I walk in.
It was huge! In the room stands a bed and an old closet.

I walk over the closet and there is a painting of a good looking boy on it. It looks like the painting is IN the closet?


All though the painting is very mesmorizing.

"Mary are you okay?" I look over at my mom. "Youre staring that painting? With a strange expression may I add."

What the hell Mary?!

"Uhm.. Y-Yes I'm fine" I tell her with a smile.

I walk over to the the window and I take a look outside. The view is beautiful! I could see the whole backyard, which was just a  big field of grass and a part of the woods.

Jack and Ryan are going to like this yard, they can play baseball, soccer and more boys stuff.

"Mary! Come take a look outside with us!" I hear my youngest brother Ryan yell to me from the backyard.

"Coming!" I yell back.

I walk out of the house into the backyard. Jack is already there, they're playing soccer together. I watch them for a while, then I decide to go for a walk on my own in the woods, what can it hurt? I'm going to walk straight ahead so I can find the find the way back easily.

I kept walking until I came across a little mound with grass on it.

Why is there a mound in the middle of the woods? And also.. Why is it mesmorizing me just like the painting?

"Mary! Mom is asking for you!" I hear one of my brothers yell for me.

"Ok! I'm coming!" I yell back.

I turn around and get ready to walk back untill I hear some restling behind me...

I turn around and see someone standing on the mound, in black clothes.

I blink with my eyes... and gone was he.

I must've imagined it.

The second I thought that, I hear the same restling sound again this time coming from behind me. I turn around again in a split second. No one was there. I look again from the left to the right, but again nothing.

I'm going crazy.

I was about to turn around again untill someone touches my shoulder. 

"Damn you Jack! I nearly got a heart attack!" I yell at my brother.

"Easy Mar!" He says back with a chuckle "What's this?" He says while pointing to the mound.

"That's a mound"

"Your kidding me! YOU are SO smart!" He says with sarcasm. "Can the genius tell me WHY there's a mound in a flat woods?"

"No... I can't... It's kind of strange right?" I look around and walk closer to my brother and whisper. "I also saw someone standing on a moment ago."

"There was?"

"You don't believe me do you?"


"Well... There was someone, he was wearing black clothes."

He nods at me. "Lets go to mom now." He turns around and walks back in the direction of the house.

I look one more time at the mound. I'm sure I saw someone....


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