Chapter 1

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It all started January first 2017 I woke up in a truck and I have no clue where I am,where everyone is, or where im going all I remember is falling asleep on Blake's couch and waking up here.
................2 Hours later...........
I got locked up in a room with 2 other kids, teenagers maybe we all sit there for a little or at least till the scientist left then shilo spoke.
Ok heres the plan we get untied then we escape shilo said,then a guy spoke,I fell like I know him but im not quite sure yet.
Yeah but how are we going to do that they have us tied to charis facing walls blacke said
Good point btw im shilo Shilo said
Nice to meet you in blacke blacke said,my wyes opend wide No it cant be not you,blacke are u ok
Yea,who are you blacke said
Its me savanna.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2016 ⏰

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