Stolen. And never coming back?

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     "Get outta here!" screeched an overly angry salesman at a dirty shop. I just wanted to eat so badly, and when I saw that ruby red apple, I just went for it. I don't know how I got up to the top floor of the rusty building, and climbed through the window that was already slid half way open. When I got through, I didn't notice the oversized man sitting silently in the corner, reading the newspaper. I tip toed straight into the middle of the room, totally in veiw of the man. I grabbed the juicy apple and made a run for it, but when I turned around, all I smelt was the foul breath of salmon, blowing straight into my innocent face.

     "What are you doing in my building?" the man said as he poked his finger near my bellybotton, on my shrinking tummy. "I-It's my b-birthday, and, um, I wanted r-read, so, I s-stole your, um, peice of paper." I stuttered as I quietly hid the apple behind my back and grabbed a peice of paper that appeared to say,Dear Jason,

Do you want the orphans or not? I've had them for a couple of months now and the police---and then 'Jason', cut me off. "Well, never do that again or I'll call my little friend to come and pick you up." His fowl breath filling the air. "Well then, I guess---" "Get outta here!" Jason screeched as he pointed at the window. I slipped out of the window but I misplaced my footing and I tumbled down until I fell into a position I didn't think that was possible! It hurt a lot but I had to shrug it off and say "YESSS!" because I got away with the ruby red apple and the mysterious paper. When I bit into the apple, it was the tastiest thing I've ever had in ages. Just when I was about to take another bite and look at the paper, Jason tried to fit his fat through the window but when it didn't work, he yelled "That was my lunch, you stupid orphan!"


     When I got 'home', I picked up a peice of mirror, and held it up to my face. I sighed. I was incredibly skinny and a little short for my age but that's okay. I had dirty blonde hair that is more dirty than it's supposed to be. Also I had tan skin, although it didn't look healthy. I has blue eyes that were duller than dull. I was just a thirteen year old orphan named... Um I didn't know what my name was. My parents left me when I was five, but I didn't seem to remember. Yeah. Just an orphan. But what could I do? It's my life and I havn't complained before and I wasn't gonna start then.

     I started to get to bed in my McDonalds t-shirt and some ripped up stretchy pants. I'm glad I found that bag filled with clothing on the street. I got hit by a bus, but I finally found something to wear that must fallen out of a truck or something. No one noticed that I got hit but, the bus driver showed his concern by cursing at me through the window beside him. It wouldn't be different. Everybody curses at me and says "why are you here? You don't belong here!" because it's New York City. New york is gross and it has gross people living in it. And I was one of them.

     I couldn't fall asleep. I was always up late because I was trying to remember my name!  "I-I-I just can't!" I screamed on the top of my lungs. "Why is life so horrible to me?" I whispered to myself. "I don't know why you did this to me, God." I whispered even more quiet than the first time. "Can you just tell me why?" I started to ball my eyes out. "Why couldn't it be the girl down the street or the one down by the river?" That sounded silly. It was rude so I took it back. I turned to face the wall to weep. Like I had said before, this was my life and I wasn't gonna complan about it.


     My morning was painful. I had bruises all over my body from when I fell yesterday.  Most of them were the size of a base ball, but some were tiny. I was lucky I didn't break a bone or something, I thought to myself as I bit into my breakfast: some of the apple from yesterday. It was gross, but food was food, and I liked it. Eventually I was gonna have to get up and get dressed, but I stayed put in my 'bed'. It was made out of a ripped fleece blanket that I found flying gracefully through the air and a pile of clothes that I used to wear, but they don't fit me. I also found a stuffed animal that was a giraffe. I named it Spots. Spots was my only friend. Before I started to cry, I got up to get dressed. I stood infront of a mirror. "Uh oh."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2013 ⏰

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